
Comparison of several parallel sorting algorithms, using the Nvidia CUDA programming framework.

Primary LanguageCudaMIT LicenseMIT


Comparison of several parallel sorting algorithms, using the Nvidia CUDA programming framework.

Instructions to generate the inputs

Random Input

Run g++ random_generator.cpp -o generate followed by ./generate.

The numbers will be stored in a file titled random_dataset.txt

Reverse Sorted Input

Run g++ reverse_sorted_generator.cpp -o generate_reverse followed by ./generate_reverse.

The numbers will be stored in a file titled reverse_dataset.txt

Sorted Input

Run g++ sorted_generator.cpp -o generate_sorted followed by ./generate_sorted.

The numbers will be stored in a file titled sorted_dataset.txt

Almost Sorted Input

Note: The approach we used for this was to randomly carry out swaps after sorting the vector. Number of swaps = 0.1 x Number of Total Elements. This way atmost 20% of elements are out of place

Run g++ almost_sorted_generator.cpp -o generate_sorted followed by ./generate_almost_sorted.

The numbers will be stored in a file titled almost_sorted_dataset.txt

Sorting Algorithms

Bitonic Sort

To generate the executable, run nvcc bitonic_sort.cu

to run the executable, run ./a.out

Merge Sort

To generate the executable, run nvcc -o mergesort.cu

to run the executable, run ./a.out

Quick Sort

important - since our QuickSort() implementation uses a recursive function on the device, we need to specify our architecture as sm_35 To generate the executable, run nvcc -arch=sm_35 -rdc=true quick.cu

to run the executable, run ./a.out