
Structured data serialization and deserialization in Common Lisp

Primary LanguageCommon LispMIT LicenseMIT


spack is a way for you to serialize structured data.

Binary format

Float values are stored in little endian.

The various datatypes it supports as well as their encoding are as follows:

integer (encoded as signed leb-128)0x01
float32 (ieee single precision)0x02
float64 (ieee double precision)0x03
utf-8 string0x05 for start, followed by size in bytes
a non-zero array of a single type0x10 for start, followed by type, followed by num elems

Arrays can only be one-dimensional. They cannot contain strings.

To create a byte array, pass :byte-array to spush.

The packet created by out will contain a header consisting of three elements: the sha-256 hash of the packet (256 bits, 32 bytes), followed by the size in bytes of the type information (leb-128), followed by the size in bytes of the data (leb-128), followed by the type information, followed by the data.


The API is designed for languages which have runtime polymorphism of functions and/or powerful type systems and/or macro systems. It is implemented here for Common Lisp, but is easily reimplemented.

class: spack

A spack object only has one slot, a vector of spack-elem objects. You don’t really use spack-elem s directly, but instead interact with them through spush.

class: spack-elem

Has two slots: elem-type and val. You should’t ever use these directly, and instead interface through it as shown below:

function: spush

Takes three arguments. The value to push, the type of the value, and the spack to push it onto. Types can be one of: integer, float32, float64, string (can either pass a utf-8 encoded ~’(unsigned-byte 8)~ buffer, or a string, which will be encoded as utf-8), array, or byte-array.

function: out

Takes a single spack object, and will output the serialization of that object.

function: parse

Takes the serialization produced by out, and turns it into the object once more

macro: make-and-push

Takes a list of tuples (obj type), such as (2 :integer) and create a spack object with these elements

macro: destructuring-elements

Like destructuring-bind, takes a list of symbols and a spack object and then assigns to each symbol a corresponding value in the same way as destructuring-bind does (it actually uses it under the hood)

Short Tutorial

SPACK> (setf *spack* (make-instance 'spack))
#<SPACK {1002D27413}>
SPACK> (spush 1234567890 :integer *spack*)
SPACK> (spush 12345.2 :float32 *spack*)
SPACK> (spush 12345.2d0 :float64 *spack*)
SPACK> (spush "testing" :string *spack*)
SPACK> (spush #(1 2 3 4) :array *spack*)
SPACK> (spush #(1 2 3 4) :byte-array *spack*)
SPACK> (spush #(1.5 2.3 3.2 4.7) :array *spack*)
SPACK> (defparameter *spack-out* (out *spack*))
SPACK> *spack-out*
#(236 190 244 174 238 150 103 34 19 24 108 195 2 80 74 122 149 5 144 198 121
  204 63 111 120 0 25 83 155 19 144 246 14 48 1 2 3 5 7 16 1 4 16 4 4 16 2 4
  210 133 216 204 4 205 228 64 70 154 153 153 153 153 28 200 64 116 101 115 116
  105 110 103 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 0 0 192 63 51 51 19 64 205 204 76 64 102 102 150
SPACK> (parse *spack-out*)
#<SPACK {10020CD8B3}>
SPACK> (loop for i across (elements (parse *spack-out*)) do
            (format t "Type: ~A~%Value: ~A~%" (elem-type i) (val i)))
Value: 1234567890
Type: FLOAT32
Value: 12345.2
Type: FLOAT64
Value: 12345.2
Value: #(116 101 115 116 105 110 103)
Value: #(1 2 3 4)
Value: #(1 2 3 4)
Value: #(1.5 2.3 3.2 4.7)
CL-USER> (spack:destructuring-elements (a b c d) 
             (spack:make-and-push (1 :integer) 
                                  (2 :byte) 
                                  (5.3 :float32) 
                                  ("test" :string)) 
           (list a b c d))
(1 2 5.3 "test")