
Compilation of high-profile real-world examples of failed machine learning projects

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Failed Machine Learning (FML)

High-profile real-world examples of failed machine learning projects

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“Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston Churchill

If you are looking for examples of how ML can fail despite all its incredible potential, you have come to the right place. Beyond the wonderful success stories of applied ML, here is a list of failed projects which we can learn a lot from.

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  1. Classical Machine Learning
  2. Computer Vision
  3. Forecasting
  4. Natural Language Processing
  5. Recommendation Systems

Classical Machine Learning

Title Description
Amazon AI Recruitment System AI-powered automated recruitment system cancelled after evidence of discrimination against female candidates
Genderify - Gender identification tool AI-powered tool designed to identify gender based on fields like name and email address was shut down due to built-in biases and inaccuracies
Leakage and the Reproducibility Crisis in ML-based Science A team at Princeton University found 20 reviews across 17 scientific fields that discovered significant errors (e.g., data leakage, no train-test split) in 329 papers that use ML-based science
COVID-19 Diagnosis and Triage Models Hundreds of predictive models were developed to diagnose or triage COVID-19 patients faster, but ultimately none of them were fit for clinical use and some were potentially harmful
COMPAS Recidivism Algorithm Florida’s recidivism risk system found evidence of racial bias
Pennsylvania Child Welfare Screening Tool The predictive algorithm (which helps identify which families are to be investigated by social workers for child abuse and neglect) flagged a disproportionate number of Black children for 'mandatory' neglect investigations.
Oregon Child Welfare Screening Tool A similar predictive tool to the one in Pennsylvania, the AI algorithm for child welfare in Oregon was also stopped a month after the Pennsylvania report
U.S. Healthcare System Health Risk Prediction A widely used algorithm to predict healthcare needs exhibited racial bias where for a given risk score, black patients are considerably sicker than white patients
Apple Card Credit Card Apple’s new credit card (created in partnership with Goldman Sachs) is being investigated by financial regulators after customers complained that the card’s lending algorithms discriminated against women, where the credit line offered by a male customer's Apple Card was 20 times higher than that offered to his spouse

Computer Vision

Title Description
Inverness Automated Football Camera System AI camera football-tracking technology for live streaming repeatedly confused a linesman’s bald head for the ball itself
Amazon Rekognition for US Congressmen Amazon's facial recognition technology (Rekognition) falsely matched 28 congresspeople with mugshots of criminals, while also revealing racial bias in the algorithm
Amazon Rekognition for law enforcement Amazon's facial recognition technology (Rekognition) misidentified women as men, particularly those with darker skin
Zhejiang traffice facial recognition system Traffic camera system (designed to capture traffic offenses) mistook a face on the side of a bus as someone who jaywalked
Kneron tricking facial recognition terminals The team at Kneron used high-quality 3-D masks to deceive AliPay and WeChat payment systems to make purchases
Twitter smart cropping tool Twitter's auto-crop tool for photo review displayed evident signs of racial bias
Depixelator tool Algorithm (based on StyleGAN) designed to generate depixelated faces showed signs of racial bias, with image output skewed towards the white demographic
Google Photos tagging The automatic photo tagging capability in Google Photos mistakenly labelled black people as gorillas
GenderShades evaluation of gender classification products GenderShades' research revealed that Microsoft and IBM’s face-analysis services for identifying gender of people in photos frequently erred when analyzing images of women with dark skin
New Jersey Police Facial Recognition A false facial recognition match by New Jersey police landed an innocent black man (Nijeer Parks) in jail even though he was 30 miles away from the crime
Tesla's dilemma between a horse cart and a truck Tesla's visualization system got confused by mistaking a horse carriage as a truck with a man walking behind it
Google's AI for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection The retina scanning tool fared much worse in real-life settings than in controlled experiments, with issues such as rejected scans (from poor scan image quality) and delays from intermittent internet connectivity when uploading images to the cloud for processing


Title Description
Google Flu Trends Flu prevalence prediction model based on Google searches produced inaccurate over-estimates
Zillow iBuying algorithms Significant losses in Zillow's home-flipping business due to inaccurate (overestimated) prices from property valuation models
Tyndaris Robot Hedge Fund AI-powered automated trading system controlled by a supercomputer named K1 resulted in big investment losses, culminating in a lawsuit
Sentient Investment AI Hedge Fund The once high flying AI-powered fund at Sentient Investment Management failed to make money and was promptly liquidated in less than 2 years

Natural Language Processing

Title Description
Microsoft Tay Chatbot Chatbot that posted inflammatory and offensive tweets through its Twitter account
Nabla Chatbot Experimental chatbot (for medical advice) using a cloud-hosted instance of GPT-3 advised a mock patient to commit suicide
Facebook Negotiation Chatbots The AI system was shut down after the chatbots stopped using English in their negotiations and started using a language that they created by themselves
OpenAI GPT-3 Chatbot Samantha A GPT-3 chatbot fine-tuned by indie game developer Jason Rohrer to emulate his dead fiancée was shut down by OpenAI after Jason refused their request to insert an automated monitoring tool amidst concerns of the chatbot being racist or overtly sexual
Amazon Alexa plays porn instead of song Amazon's voice-activated digital assistant unleashed a torrent of raunchy language after a toddler asked it to play a children’s song.

Recommendation Systems

Title Description
IBM's Watson Health IBM’s Watson allegedly provided numerous unsafe and incorrect recommendations for treating cancer patients