- Learn Python - Full Course for Beginners

This is a concise Python 3 programming tutorial based on Mike Dane's awesome Youtube video that you can watch here.

It is supposed to get you familiar with Python's variables, data types and their various functions, as well as loops, statements and classes.

There are also a couple of exercises that require user input or reading from external files.


  • Python 3.3 or any newer version of Python has to be installed on your system in order to run scripts from this tutorial. If you need any help installing Python, please refer to this link.

  • Python IDE for running scripts. I used Community Edition of PyCharm.


The tutorial consists of 32 main scripts, 5 more additional scripts required in order to run some of the main ones and one ".txt" file with information about employees used in "Reading Files" script:

Main scripts

  1. Hello World
  2. Drawing a Shape
  3. Variables and Data Types
  4. Working with Strings
  5. Working with Numbers
  6. Getting Input from Users
  7. Building a Basic Calculator
  8. Mad Libs Game
  9. Lists
  10. List Functions
  11. Tuples
  12. Functions
  13. Return Statement
  14. If Statements
  15. If Statements and Comparisons
  16. Building a Better Calculator
  17. Dictionaries
  18. While Loop
  19. Building a Guessing Game
  20. For Loops
  21. Exponent Function
  22. 2D Lists and Nested Loops
  23. Build a Translator
  25. Try and Except
  26. Reading Files
  27. Writing to Files
  28. Modules and pip
  29. Classes and Objects
  30. Building a Multiple Choice Quiz
  31. Object Function
  32. Inheritance

Additional files

  1. Chef
  2. Chinese Chef
  3. Employees
  4. Question
  5. Student
  6. Useful Tools

All the scripts are (heavily) commented by me.




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