All scripts must be run from the working directory they are found in. Will not run on Windows without rewriting file path strings.
- Pytorch
- Scikit-learn
- Pandas
- Xlib (optional)
- xclip
- wmctrl
- any GUI browser
Note: Only point substitutions are supported, and must be selected for the ICGC download.
Pick a gene of interest and make a directory for it in the genomes
folder. Browse for the gene on, note the start and end base pair values. Adjust the end value such that there are a total number of base pairs in the range divisible by 8.
Browse for this range on, export the data and (extract and) save it under the new directory with the name base_gene.txt
. Query for the variants in this range with benign clinical significance in BioMart. Remove the gene info from attributes to ensure unique variations, only the start scaffold location and variant alleles columns are necessary. Check "Unique only", export as TSV. (Extract and) save it under the directory with the name benign_vars.tsv
Navigate to Filter mutations by the adjusted base pair location range. Apply other filters as needed, then navigate back to mutations -> mutation occurences. Download the JSON data for each page.
With an open browser window, execute wmctrl -l
from a terminal, and note any unique section in the line corresponding to the browser ("Opera", "Mozilla", etc). Edit the file and replace the value of BROWSER
with this section (case-sensitive).
After selecting the filters, and navigating back to occurences, scroll down and select "show 50 rows". Copy the URL and replace the value of URL
with this. Modify the end of this URL so that ..."size":50,"from":1...
becomes ..."size":{},"from":{}...
Modify TOTAL
with the total number of occurences in the filtered search.
will need to be modified if not using a maximized window on a 1080p monitor. To do so, first ensure the download JSON button is visible when loading the page when scrolled to the top of the page, then execute the following in a terminal, switch over to the browser window and wait a few seconds:
python -c 'import Xlib.display, time;time.sleep(3);print(Xlib.display.Display().screen().root.query_pointer())'
Replace DL_POS
with (root_x, root_y)
from the output.
Modify the keyboard shortcuts if they do not do what the comments describe.
Finally, run python
and wait for it to finish. Move all the downloaded JSON files to the directory
Run python DIR
, then python DIR
, where DIR is the name of the directory with all of the downloaded files for a given region.
cd ../ml
to move to the ml
directory, and run python
to generate tensors for training.
Running python
within ml
will train a different model for each directory created.