Views Log

Ruby Style Guide


The aim of the project is to get some statistics about visits to the website based on the log file. it can show the total visits and the unique visits.

YouTube Video:

Laragine quick intro!

Technical Reasoning

The app is built on Ruby and it implements best practices like applying SOLID principles and OOP & OOD apart from that the Strategy design pattern is used due to having switch cases (many if for example ... it's implemented in the Counter part).


if I was to spend additional time on the project I would do the following:

  • Use Docker
  • Use Kubernetes
  • Make the Writer class (lib/writer.rb) more scalable as it's currently coupled to 2 options (unique & total)
  • Handle unforeseen circumferences, ex: what if the log file content is in different format ?

Getting started:

you have 3 options to get started, and before choosing the appropriate option, you have to do the following:

  • navigate to the project directory
  • copy the log file (you can use this one spec/fixtures/webserver.log) to logs directory

for the first 2 options, you need to do the following as well:

  • copy .env.example and rename the copied file to .env and you can change all the details from there

(1) Kubernetes:


kubectl apply -f=deployment.yaml

(2) Docker:


docker compose up

(3) Local Installation:

  • Open the terminal and run bundle install


bin/parser.rb --views=total|unique path_to_log_file.log

There is an optional option: --views option in which it has 2 values total or unique, default is total.

Here is how we do it with the total views:

bin/parser.rb ./logs/webserver.log


bin/parser.rb --views=total ./logs/webserver.log

Here is how we do it with the unique views:

bin/parser.rb --views=unique ./logs/webserver.log

Testing & Development:

  • You can run the tests by running bundle exec rspec .

  • You can run RuboCop (linter) by running bundle exec rubocop .