
Kotlin Adapter for RecyclerView

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Kotlin Adapter is a basic quick adapter for RecyclerView .


KAdapter was built as learning purposes and engaging in open source .


  • Add jitpack in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  • Add the dependency
dependencies {
		implementation 'com.github.mahmoud-assaf:KAdapter:0.4'


 - Quick setup.
 - Support multible views .
 - Support item view click and long click.
 - Support swiping actions .
 - Load more data on demand or endless scrolling .
 - Default and custom item decorations .
 - Support Item selection .
 - Different layout managers (vertical and horizontal Linear,Grid,Staggered ,flexible spans ).


Initialize :

	var data :ArrayList<Any> //ur data 
	var adapter=KAdapter() // optional KAdapter.Defaults() for fine customization ,see below

Define ur item views

//add ur item views layouts 
adapter.addViewType(Model1::class to R.layout.model1_item_view)  //Pair<KClass,Int>
	.addViewType(Model2::class to R.layout.model2_item_view)  
	.addViewType(Model3::class to R.layout.model3_item_view)

Bind views :

	//binding views (those lambdas are invoked inside onBindViewHolder()
	//so make sure u keep views state like checkboxs for example as the view will be recycled upon 		scrolling
	//Pair<viewId:Int,bindingLambda:(view: View?, item: Any, position: Int) -> Unit>
	.bind(R.id.model1_title_txtview to {view, item, position ->  
		 view as TextView  //cast view
		 item as Model1  //cast item
		 view.text=item.title  //bind or apply ur action

	.bind(R.id.model2_imageView to {view, item, position ->  
		 view as ImageView  
		 item as Model2  
		 //make sure the view state reflected of the actual item state in dataset
			view.setOnClickListener {  
				  (data.get(position) as Model2).imageResId=R.drawable.image2 // <--  
	.bind(R.id.model2_time_textView to {view, item, position ->  
		view as TextView  
		 item as Model2  
		 view.setOnClickListener {  
			  //getting a view in same row item by id , like edittext or seekbar or checkbox or anyview  
			 val remindcheckBox=adapter.getViewByIdAt(R.id.model2_remind_checkBox,position) as CheckBox  
			 val isChecked=remindcheckBox.isChecked  
			  Toast.makeText(this,"checkbox at this position is $isChecked",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()  

Or define as Lambda :

	//u can define ur lambda as (view: View?, item: Any, position: Int) -> Unit and assign it
	val checkboxBind= { chckbox: View?, item: Any, position: Int ->  
	item as Model3
	chckbox as CheckBox
	.bind(R.id.model3_checkBox to checkboxBind)

Attach RecyclerView

	//attach to recyclerview

Item decoration and divider : should be called after attaching to recyclerview

	.withItemDecoration(itemDecoration: RecyclerView.ItemDecoration? = null) 
	//default decoration 	,optional RecyclerView.ItemDecoration will be applied if passed
	.withDivider(divider: DividerItemDecoration? = null) 
	 //default divider ,optional DividerItemDecoration will be applied if passed

Item decoration and dividers ,see customization below
Item decoration and dividers

Click Actions :

	//on item click , ur lambda will be invoked on clicked position
	.onClick {  
		//  Toast.makeText(this," position $it clicked",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()    
	//on item long click , ur lambda will be invoked on long clicked position
	.onLongClick {  
		 Toast.makeText(this," position $it long clicked",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()  

Swiping Action : should be called after attaching to recyclerview

	//on swipe action , ur lambda will be invoked on position of swiping
	and direction of swiping ,u can customize further in Defaults ,see below
	.onSwipe { position, direction ->  
		    var dir = if (direction == ItemTouchHelper.LEFT) "left" else "right"  
			 Toast.makeText(this, "swiped item $position to $dir", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
			adapter.notifyItemRangeChanged(position, adapter.getItemCount()) */

Swiping text ,can be customized ,see below
Swiping text ,can be customized

Load More data , endless scrolling : should be set before setting dataset

	.onLoadMore {      //<-- last position of data , so u we should get data starting from it+1  
			 if (adapter.itemCount>30) {  
			      //passing 0 will not trigger next onLoadMore()  
		               var newData=getMoreData(it)  
		                adapter.resetLoadMore(newData.size)    // otherwise pass the new added
		                data size , no need to use any notify*** on adapter  

Loading more data, progressview can be customized ,see below
Loading more data Loading more data

Set dataset :

	  //and set data

Item marking ,highlighting ,selection : should be called after attaching to recyclerview

	 //marking(selecting) item
	 //get marked items positions
	getMarkedPositions(): ArrayList<Int>

Layout : should be called after attaching to recyclerview

	 .asVertical()   //default layout manager
	 //.asGrid(numOfColumns: Int? = 0)  //optional numOfColumns or will be calculated 
	 automatically according to screen width (160 dp per cell width)
	 //.asHorizontalGrid(numOfRows: Int)
	 //.asStaggered(numOfColumns: Int? = 0)
	  //.asHorizontalStaggered(numOfRows: Int)

Need quick simple String list ?

var simpleAdapter=KAdapter().simpleAdapter()
//no binding just set data
.setData(data)  //ArrayList<String>
//all other features supported (decoration ,swiping,selection ,loadmore ,click ,longclick ...)

Simple Llist of Strings
Simple Llist of Strings

-Customization KAdapter() class constructor can receive optional Defaults() object that allows u to fine customize some features

var defaults=Defaults(
//------------decoration --------------------  
 decorationColor = Color.GRAY,  //Int color of item decoration
decorationStrokeWidth=2,  //int dp of stroke width
decorationCornersRadius=10f,  //float decoration radius
loadMoreDummyViewResId = R.layout.loading_view,  
loadMoreThreshold = 0,  //threshold of triggering ur onLodMore ie:triggered on position=lastposition-threshold
swipeDirs=(ItemTouchHelper.RIGHT or ItemTouchHelper.LEFT),  //available swiping directions
swipeBackgroundColorLeft = Color.parseColor("#FFFFFF"),  //backgroundcolor
swipeTextLeftColor=Color.parseColor("#000000"),   swipeTextLeftSize=18,  //size in sp
swipeTextLeftTypeface=Typeface.DEFAULT,  //font TypeFace
swipeTextLeftMargin=10,   //margin in dp from start of child view
swipeLeftDrawable=null,  //icon drawable

swipeBackgroundColorRight= Color.parseColor("#FFFFFF"),  
markedItemStrokeWidth=3,  //selection decoration stroke width in dp
markedItemStrokeColor=Color.BLACK //selection decoration stroke color


Apache 2