Little Lemon capstone App

  • The app is a React Native Expo food application.
  • Little Lemon restaurant app allows users to register.
  • The registration involves a multi-step process.
  • After successfully registering, users are directed to the home screen.
  • The home screen serves as the post-registration landing page, featuring a header, a banner with a search bar, and a menu item list that users can filter by category.
  • Users can personalize their information, such as name, email, and photo, and adjust other preferences on the Profile Screen.
  • The Profile Screen includes checkboxes for specific email notifications, including order status, password changes, special offers, and newsletters.
  • The chosen preferences are stored using the AsyncStorage module, ensuring they persist even when the user exits the app.
  • Clicking the Logout button redirects the user to the login page, clearing all Profile data.
  • The app utilizes an SQLite Database to populate, query, and filter menu items.