Notes App

Colorful notes app written in Flutter that uses sqflite for storage and provider for state management.


  1. Make Note with awesome font and save it as u like.
  2. Ability to playing with ui colors.
  3. Ability to change viewing style.
  4. Search your notes easily.
  5. Edit note that you saved previously.
  6. Supporting both English and Arabic (RTL - LTR)
  7. ability to share note as a screenshot with app simple ui.


  • provider
  • auto_direction
  • sqflite
  • intl
  • modal_bottom_sheet
  • shared_preferences
  • flutter_localizations
  • wc_flutter_share


splash splash splash
splash splash splash

Run the project

With Flutter installed, clone project and run flutter run --release in that directory

Get it on google play


Feedback is welcome.