Flutter BLoC + graphql_flutter + GetIt Example

This Flutter application is an example of how to implement BLoC (Business Logic Component) for state management, graphql_flutter as the graphql client for API communication, and GetIt for dependency injection. In this example, we fetch GitHub repositories from the GitHub API.

Architecture Overview

  • BLoC (Business Logic Component): BLoC is used for managing the application's state. It contains the logic to fetch and handle data from the API. The BLoC communicates with the repository.

  • graphql_flutter (API Client): graphql_flutter is used to make graphql API requests to the GitHub API. It provides a convenient way to define API endpoints and data models.

  • GetIt: GetIt is used for dependency injection. It is used to provide instances of the repository and BLoC to the UI components.

Folder Structure

The project is structured as follows:

  • lib/
    • core/: Contains the constants and errors handler.
    • data/: Contains the data layer, including data models and remote.
    • di.dart: Contains the dependency injection file.
    • domain/: Contains the Entities, repositories, and use cases.
    • presentation/: Contains screens, widgets and BLoCs
    • main.dart: The entry point of the application.
