
A Springboot Application includes a login and registration systems.

Primary LanguageHTML

Registration & Login System

Project Description

A Springboot Application that includes a login and registration system, Users can create an account by registering with a unique email. The application verifies the entered credentials during the login process and grants access to personalized features upon successful authentication.

Front-End Technologies

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap CSS

Back-End Languages

  • Java
  • JavaScript


  • Spring Data JPA
  • Spring Security
  • Spring Boot Dev Tools
  • H2 Database
  • Validation
  • Lombok
  • Thymeleaf

How to use?

After cloning the repository, you can follow the following instructions to use the project;


1 - Run the Springboot Application and move to localhost:8080/register you will face the registration form

Registration form

2 - Fill your information and press "Create Account", if there is no issues the form will redirect you automatically to the login form, where you can check and validate your information registeration success

Access to the H2DB by heading up to localhost:8080/h2-console and press connect, below is an image describes the "users" table in the database after a successful registration.

database records

Registration Exceptions

1 - You can't create an account with an email used already, the form will reject the request and popout an error

unique email exception

2 - When the form validates itself before sending; it checks for empty input fields, wrong email patterns and gives a hint of the error below the invalid input field

Empty fields exception


Login form is available at localhost:8080/login, head to this address and try to validate your information after you created an account in the registration form.

Login Form

Empty try to log in, rejected by the form

Empty fields

Successful Login Attempt

login success

Incorrect information or Bad Credentials

login validation failed

Get all database records

Access all database records in a tabular form, go to localhost:8080/get-all-users and you will see the database records in the html page.

all users


1 - Since we are using an in-memory database (H2DB), the database will wipe all the data entered previously and recreate itself, however you can use a different database that suits your needs.

2 - The data.sql file contains preloaded data for test purposes, you can't use the credentials from the file trying to log in, because the project uses password encryption and stores the passwords in an encrypted form in the database.