
A PHP5 library to generate shortened URL through famous API like Bit.ly or Google

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

URL shortener library

This library allows you to shorten a URL, reverse is also possible.


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Basic Docs


Only 1 step:

Download UrlShortener using composer

Add UrlShortener in your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "mremi/url-shortener": "dev-master"

Now tell composer to download the library by running the command:

$ php composer.phar update mremi/url-shortener

Composer will install the library to your project's vendor/mremi directory.

Bit.ly API



use Mremi\UrlShortener\Model\Link;
use Mremi\UrlShortener\Provider\Bitly\BitlyProvider;
use Mremi\UrlShortener\Provider\Bitly\OAuthClient;

$link = new Link;

$bitlyProvider = new BitlyProvider(
    new OAuthClient('username', 'password'), // or new GenericAccessTokenAuthenticator('generic_access_token')
    array('connect_timeout' => 1, 'timeout' => 1)


You can also use the commands provided by this library, look at the help message:

$ bin/shortener bitly:shorten --help

Some arguments are mandatory:

$ bin/shortener bitly:shorten username password http://www.google.com

Some options are available:

$ bin/shortener bitly:shorten username password http://www.google.com --options='{"connect_timeout":1,"timeout":1}'



use Mremi\UrlShortener\Model\Link;
use Mremi\UrlShortener\Provider\Bitly\BitlyProvider;
use Mremi\UrlShortener\Provider\Bitly\OAuthClient;

$link = new Link;

$bitlyProvider = new BitlyProvider(
    new OAuthClient('username', 'password'), // or new GenericAccessTokenAuthenticator('generic_access_token')
    array('connect_timeout' => 1, 'timeout' => 1)

$ bin/shortener bitly:expand --help

Some arguments are mandatory:

$ bin/shortener bitly:expand username password http://bit.ly/ze6poY

Some options are available:

$ bin/shortener bitly:expand username password http://bit.ly/ze6poY --options='{"connect_timeout":1,"timeout":1}'

Google API



use Mremi\UrlShortener\Model\Link;
use Mremi\UrlShortener\Provider\Google\GoogleProvider;

$link = new Link;

$googleProvider = new GoogleProvider(
    array('connect_timeout' => 1, 'timeout' => 1)


You can also use the commands provided by this library, look at the help message:

$ bin/shortener google:shorten --help

Only one argument is mandatory (the long URL) but you can also provide a Google API key:

$ bin/shortener google:shorten http://www.google.com
$ bin/shortener google:shorten http://www.google.com api_key

Some options are available:

$ bin/shortener google:shorten http://www.google.com --options='{"connect_timeout":1,"timeout":1}'



use Mremi\UrlShortener\Model\Link;
use Mremi\UrlShortener\Provider\Google\GoogleProvider;

$link = new Link;

$googleProvider = new GoogleProvider(
    array('connect_timeout' => 1, 'timeout' => 1)

$ bin/shortener google:expand --help

Only one argument is mandatory (the short URL) but you can also provide a Google API key:

$ bin/shortener google:expand http://goo.gl/fbsS
$ bin/shortener google:expand http://goo.gl/fbsS api_key

Some options are available:

$ bin/shortener google:expand http://goo.gl/fbsS --options='{"connect_timeout":1,"timeout":1}'

Chain providers


use Mremi\UrlShortener\Model\Link;
use Mremi\UrlShortener\Provider\ChainProvider;

$chainProvider = new ChainProvider;
// add yours...

$link = new Link;



Retrieve link

You can retrieve some links using these finders:


use Mremi\UrlShortener\Model\LinkManager;

$linkManager = new LinkManager($chainProvider);

$shortened = $linkManager->findOneByProviderAndShortUrl('bitly', 'http://bit.ly/ze6poY');

$expanded = $linkManager->findOneByProviderAndLongUrl('google', 'http://www.google.com');


Any question or feedback? Open an issue and I will try to reply quickly.

A feature is missing here? Feel free to create a pull request to solve it!

I hope this has been useful and has helped you. If so, share it and recommend it! :)
