
OneSignal Push Notifications for Laravel

Primary LanguagePHP

OneSignal Push Notifications for Laravel

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This is a simple OneSignal wrapper library for Laravel. It simplifies the basic notification flow with the defined methods. You can send a message to all users or you can notify a single user. Before you start installing this service, please complete your OneSignal setup at https://onesignal.com and finish all the steps that is necessary to obtain an application id and REST API Keys.


First, you'll need to require the package with Composer:

composer require berkayk/onesignal-laravel

Afterwards, run composer update from your command line.

You only need to do the following if your Laravel version is below 5.5:

Then, update config/app.php by adding an entry for the service provider.

'providers' => [
	// ...

Then, register class alias by adding an entry in aliases section

'aliases' => [
	// ...
	'OneSignal' => Berkayk\OneSignal\OneSignalFacade::class

Finally, from the command line again, run

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Berkayk\OneSignal\OneSignalServiceProvider" --tag="config"

to publish the default configuration file. This will publish a configuration file named onesignal.php which includes your OneSignal authorization keys.

Note: If the previous command does not publish the config file successfully, please check the steps involving providers and aliases in the config/app.php file.


You need to fill in your OneSignal App ID and REST API Key inside your .env file like this:



Sending a Notification To All Users

You can easily send a message to all registered users with the command

        "Some Message", 
        $url = null, 
        $data = null, 
        $buttons = null, 
        $schedule = null

$url , $data , $buttons and $schedule fields are exceptional. If you provide a $url parameter, users will be redirecting to that url.

Sending a Notification based on Tags/Filters

You can send a message based on a set of tags with the command

Example 1:
        "Some Message",
            ["field" => "tag", "key" => "email", "relation" => "=", "value" => "email21@example.com"],
            ["field" => "tag", "key" => "email", "relation" => "=", "value" => "email1@example.com"],
        $url = null,
        $data = null,
        $buttons = null,
        $schedule = null
Example 2:
        "Some Message",
            ["field" => "tag", "key" => "session_count", "relation" => ">", "value" => '2'],
            ["field" => "tag", "key" => "first_session", "relation" => ">", "value" => '2000'],
        $url = null,
        $data = null,
        $buttons = null,
        $schedule = null

Sending a Notification To A Specific User

After storing a user's tokens in a table, you can simply send a message with

        "Some Message",
        $url = null,
        $data = null,
        $buttons = null,
        $schedule = null

$userId is the user's unique id where he/she is registered for notifications. Read https://documentation.onesignal.com/docs/add-user-data-tags for additional details. $url , $data , $buttons and $schedule fields are exceptional. If you provide a $url parameter, users will be redirecting to that url.

Sending a Notification To A Specific external User (custom user id added by user)

After storing a user's tokens in a table, you can simply send a message with

        "Some Message",
        $url = null,
        $data = null,
        $buttons = null,
        $schedule = null

$userId is the user's unique external id (custom id) added by the user where he/she is registered for notifications. Read https://documentation.onesignal.com/docs/add-user-data-tags for additional details. $url , $data , $buttons and $schedule fields are exceptional. If you provide a $url parameter, users will be redirecting to that url.

Sending a Notification To Segment

You can simply send a notification to a specific segment with

        "Some Message",
        $url = null,
        $data = null,
        $buttons = null,
        $schedule = null

$url , $data , $buttons and $schedule fields are exceptional. If you provide a $url parameter, users will be redirecting to that url.

Sending a Custom Notification

You can send a custom message with


Sending a async Custom Notification

You can send a async custom message with


Please refer to https://documentation.onesignal.com/reference for all customizable parameters.


Some people found examples confusing, so I am going to provide some detailed examples that I use in my applications. These examples will probably guide you on customizing your notifications. For custom parameters, please refer to https://documentation.onesignal.com/reference/create-notification.

1) Sending a message to a segment with custom icon and custom icon color

You need to customize android_accent_color and small_icon values before sending your notifications. These are parameters that you need to specify while sending your notifications.

use OneSignal;

$params = [];
$params['android_accent_color'] = 'FFCCAA72'; // argb color value
$params['small_icon'] = 'ic_stat_distriqt_default'; // icon res name specified in your app

$message = "Test message to send";
$segment = "Testers";

// or to all users 

2. Sending a message with high priority

This time, we will specify parameters one by one.

use OneSignal;

$message = "Test message to send";
$segment = "Testers";
OneSignal::setParam('priority', 10)->sendNotificationToSegment(

// You can chain as many parameters as you wish

OneSignal::setParam('priority', 10)->setParam('small_icon', 'ic_stat_onesignal_default')->setParam('led_color', 'FFAACCAA')->sendNotificationToAll($message);

3. Sending a message with custom heading and subtitle

use OneSignal;

                "Test message with custom heading and subtitle",
                null, null, null, null, 
                "Custom Heading", 
                "Custom subtitle"

4. Sending a delayed message to a specific user with many custom parameters

use OneSignal;

$userId = "3232331-1722-4fee-943d-23123asda123"; 
$params = []; 
$params['include_player_ids'] = [$userId]; 
$contents = [ 
   "en" => "Some English Message", 
   "tr" => "Some Turkish Message"
$params['contents'] = $contents; 
$params['delayed_option'] = "timezone"; // Will deliver on user's timezone 
$params['delivery_time_of_day'] = "2:30PM"; // Delivery time
