RabbitMQ Example

This is a simple example project demonstrating the usage of RabbitMQ messaging system in a Java application. The project utilizes Spring AMQP framework for RabbitMQ integration.


The project consists of a message producer (UserServiceMessageProducer) and a message consumer (UserAuthenticationServiceMessageConsumer) that communicate through RabbitMQ. The producer sends custom messages to the RabbitMQ exchange, and the consumer listens to the corresponding queue and processes the received messages.


To run this project, you need to have the following installed:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK)
  • RabbitMQ Server


The project's RabbitMQ configuration is defined in the MQConfig class in both the mq.consumer and mq.producer packages.

Message Producer Configuration

In the mq.producer package, the MQConfig class configures the RabbitMQ exchange and queue for the user service. It defines a topic exchange named "user" and a corresponding queue named "user-service-queue". The binding between the queue and exchange is done based on the routing key pattern "user.#".

Message Consumer Configuration

In the mq.consumer package, the MQConfig class configures the RabbitMQ exchange and queue for the user authentication service. It defines a topic exchange named "authentication" and a corresponding queue named "user-authentication-service-queue". The binding between the queue and exchange is done based on the routing key pattern "authentication.#".

Custom Messages and Commands

The project uses custom messages to encapsulate data and commands. The CustomMessage class in the Models package represents a custom message and contains the following properties:

  • messageId: A unique identifier for the message.
  • messageDate: The date and time when the message was created.
  • command: An enumeration of available commands.
  • dataMap: A map of additional data associated with the message.
  • source: The source of the message.

The CommandEnum enum in the Models.Command package defines the available commands. Currently, only the LogOutCommand is implemented.

The CommandInterface interface in the Models.Command package defines the contract for executing a command. Each command implementation, such as LogOutCommand, should implement this interface.

The UserAuthenticationServiceMessageConsumer class in the mq.consumer package listens to the "user-authentication-service-queue" and processes the received messages. It dynamically instantiates the appropriate command class based on the command name specified in the message and executes it.

The UserServiceMessageProducer class in the mq.producer package is responsible for sending custom messages to the RabbitMQ exchange. It uses the RabbitTemplate to convert and send the messages to the appropriate routing key.


To use this project, you can follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that RabbitMQ Server is running.

  2. Configure the RabbitMQ connection properties in the application.properties file.

  3. Build the project using Maven build.

  4. Run the application.

  5. The message producer (UserServiceMessageProducer) can send custom messages using the send method.

  6. The message consumer (UserAuthenticationServiceMessageConsumer) will listen to the queue and execute the appropriate command based on the received messages.