
School Management system implementation using Double linked list Data structure

School Management system implementation using Double-linked list Data structure

School Database system implementation using the following Requirements:

  1. The Data structure used is a Doubly Linked List, each Node has 2 pointers to the next and previous.

  2. The Database is sorted all the time by alphabetical order, and when inserting a New Student, it gets inserted in the right place according to its alphabetical order; this place may be in the middle head or tail of the linked list.

  3. You need to use the provided template in your project, it defines the basic structures used, you may add more structures but do not remove them from the template.

  4. You should implement your own string library for the following functionalities: 1- string length 2- string copy. 3- String compare. 4- atoi.

  5. Your program should support having many different lists at the same time.Example: KG1 list and KG2 list.

  6. You Need to implement the following functions :

 List_create :

this function should initialize the head, tail, and other data in the linked list object.

 List_insertStudent:

this function should receive student data as input argument and create a new student Node in the linked list.

 List_searchStudent:

this function should receive the student ID and a pointer to the List , and should return a pointer to the found Student , if Not found it should return NULL (Note the returned value is in the form of a pointer passed as input argument ).

 List_deleteStudent:

this function should receive the student ID, search for it, and then delete it.

 List_editStudent

edit the info of a student except his name and his ID

 List_updateScore

update all scores of a certain student in all of the subjects.

 List_printList

prints student IDs and names, in alphabetical order.

 List_listSize

returns the total amount of students currently on the list

 List_freeList

delete all students from the list