RESTful Ruby on Rails API for Courses CRUD operations with Search feature and Course thumbnail preprocessing.
View instructions on how to install Ruby 2.7.1 and Ruby on Rails 6 on your OS.
For Ubuntu this may be helpful
Rails depends on ImageMagick for courses photo variant processing.
bundle install
bundle install
rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
rails s -p 3000
bundle exec rspec
bundle exec rubocop
- 422 Unprocessible Entity
"slug":["has already been taken"]
- 404 Resource Not Found
"resource":["Resource is not found."]
For full list of endpoints you can also run bundle exec rails routes
- Returns a list of courses the newest first (ordered by
field) - Request Arguments:
- page: Page number 1-indexed
- per: Number of courses per page
- Returns object with two keys
that contains a list of courses in this page, andmeta
which contains metadata about total courses and pages count.
Example Request:
curl 'http://localhost:3000/courses?page=1&per=3'
Example Response:
"description":"Veniam dolorum rerum. Corrupti omnis nisi. Debitis sint placeat.",
"title":"Learn ProvideX"
"description":"Sed consequatur nisi. Iure nostrum id. Ducimus velit omnis.",
"title":"Learn SystemVerilog"
"description":"Molestiae qui reiciendis. Eligendi mollitia dolores. Ratione corporis recusandae.",
"title":"Learn VSXu"
- Returns a list of popular courses to be displayed on home page (currently returns the 3 most recent courses).
- Example Request:
curl http://localhost:3000/courses/popular
- Example Response:
"description":"Veniam dolorum rerum. Corrupti omnis nisi. Debitis sint placeat.",
"title":"Learn ProvideX"
"description":"Sed consequatur nisi. Iure nostrum id. Ducimus velit omnis.",
"title":"Learn SystemVerilog"
"description":"Molestiae qui reiciendis. Eligendi mollitia dolores. Ratione corporis recusandae.",
"title":"Learn VSXu"
- Searches Courses title and returns a paginated list of matches
- Request Arguments:
- q: Search Query
- page: Page to fetch (1-indexed)
- per: Number of matched courses per page
- Example Request:
curl 'http://localhost:3000/courses/search?q=mdl&page=1&per=3'
- Example Response:
"description":"Voluptatem quae ab. Placeat ut at. Necessitatibus et aliquam.",
"title":"Learn MDL"
- Returns specific course fetched by id.
- Example Request
curl http://localhost:3000/courses/8
- Example Response:
"description":"Molestiae qui reiciendis. Eligendi mollitia dolores. Ratione corporis recusandae.",
"title":"Learn VSXu"
- Creates a new course, accepts title, description, slug, and photo sent as multipart form data or json.
- Validates that title, description and slug are present, and that slug is uniq.
- To Create a new course with an image use a multipart form data request with photo.
- Example Request:
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/courses -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "title": "New Course", "description": "New Course Description", "slug": "new-slug-123" }'
- Example Response:
"description":"New Course Description",
"title":"New Course"
- Errors:
- 422 Unprocessible Entity:
{ "errors":{ "slug":["has already been taken"] } }
- Updates an existing course.
- Example Request
curl -X PATCH http://localhost:3000/courses/11 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "title": "Updated Title" }'
- Example Request:
"description":"New Course Description",
"title":"Updated Title"
- Errors:
- 422 Unprocessible Entity
- 404 Resource Not Found
- Example Request:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:3000/courses/11
- Example Response: 204 No Content
- Errors:
- 404 Not Found
-[ ] Allow passing photo as Base64 encoded image in application/json requests. -[ ] Create and return multiple course image variants instead of only two (thumbnail and originl).