
A "non-simple" mutation model supporting insertion, deletion and substitutions

Primary LanguagePython


A simulator for a fancier mutation model, opposed to the simple mutation model introduced in https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/cmb.2021.0431. In this mutation model, there are insertions and deletions besides substitutions.

p_s = 0.09 p_d = 0.05 d = 0.00

Average length of the mutated string: 94997.46 By formula: 95000.0 Average num of shared kmers: 4389.612 By formula: 4210.955078889157

p_s = 0.09 p_d = 0.00 d = 0.00

Average length of the mutated string: 100000.0 By formula: 100000.0 Average num of shared kmers: 13814.173 By formula: 13796.927150148496