
31.10.2020 - Istanbul Java Bootcamp 101 Syllabus and Resources

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31.10.2020 - Istanbul Java Bootcamp 101 Syllabus and Resources

In between 31.10.2020 - 20.12.2020 Java 101 course which has continued for 8 weeks! In the course, we started to discuss about Java Fundamentals and Syntax, and we finished with Java web technologies like Servlet, Webservices, JSP, JSF etc. The course has more than a classic 101 syllabus. Below you can utilize links to examine course outputs and resources.

  • 9 PDF Document
  • 32 Java Project during the course
  • 5 Homework and 1 Final Project

Github URL that contains all projects during the bootcamp:


Github URL that provides PDF Notes of course in Turkish:


Reference Books for Software Development:


Some useful books for Java and Spring:


Additional Resources and Links for detailed information for each topic in the course:




  • History of Java
  • Java Language Syntax
  • Data Types and Operators
  • Loop and Decision Mechanisms
  • Number & String Operations
  • Array Definition and Operations
  • Matrix Definitions and Operations
  • Date & Time Libraries in JDK 7 & JDK 8


  • OOP Definitions
  • Class, Object definitions
  • Inheritance Types
  • Abstraction in Java
  • Encapsulation in Java
  • Polymorphism in Java
  • Exception Handling in Java


  • final keyword and application fields
  • Enum data structure in Java
  • Generics in Java
  • Iterator & Iterable Interfaces
  • Comparator & Comparable Interfaces
  • Anonymous Classes in Java
  • Java8 Lambda Expressions
  • Java 8 Functional Interfaces
  • Java 8 Method Reference
  • Java 8 Stream API
  • Reflection in Java


  • Java I/O Operations in terms of Files
  • Java Concurrency and Multithreading Tutorial
  • SOLID Principles
  • Relational Database Management System & SQL
  • CAP Theorem
  • NoSQL
  • MongoDB


  • Spring Framework Architecture & Basics (Spring Core)
  • Spring Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
  • Spring Boot
  • 3 Tier Application in Spring


  • Usage Native Hibernate with Java
  • Hibernate & Spring Boot Integration via SessionFactory
  • Spring Data CRUD Repository
  • Spring Data MongoDB
  • Spring MVC and Restful Webservices


  • Web Application Architecture
  • Client & Server Architecture
  • HTTP Protocol
  • Server-side Rendering vs Client Side Rendering
  • Java Servlet & Filter
  • Java Server Page
  • Java Server Faces
  • SOAP Webservice with Spring
  • Servlet, JSF, JSP, Thymeleaf integration with Spring