
The Super Calculator is a Python project created by Team Noob. It serves as a versatile calculator with three main functionalities: Normal Calculator, BMI Calculator, and Age Calculator. The program is designed to be user-friendly, providing a menu-driven interface for easy navigation.


Ensure that the following Python packages are installed before running the program: pip install math pip install time pip install datetime

Normal Calculator Functions

  1. Sum Functions Function: add(x, y) Description: Returns the sum of two numbers.
  2. Subtract Functions Function: subtract(x, y) Description: Returns the difference between two numbers.
  3. Multiply Functions Function: multiply(x, y) Description: Returns the product of two numbers.
  4. Divide Functions Function: divide(x, y) Description: Returns the result of dividing the first number by the second number. Handles division by zero.
  5. Modulus Functions Function: modulus(x, y) Description: Returns the remainder when the first number is divided by the second number.
  6. Square Functions Function: square(x) Description: Returns the square of a number.
  7. Cubic Functions Function: cube(x) Description: Returns the cube of a number.
  8. Factorial Functions Function: factorial(x) Description: Returns the factorial of a number.
  9. Prime Functions Function: is_prime(num) Description: Checks if a number is prime.
  10. Checking Even or Odd Numbers Function: analyze_number(num) Description: Analyzes and returns whether a number is even or odd.

BMI Calculator Functions

  1. Conversion Function Function: feet_and_inches_to_meters(feet, inches) Description: Converts feet and inches to meters.
  2. BMI Calculation Function: calculate_bmi(weight, height) Description: Calculates Body Mass Index (BMI) using weight (in kilograms) and height (in meters).
  3. BMI Interpretation Function: interpret_bmi(bmi) Description: Interprets BMI and categorizes it as Underweight, Normal Weight, Overweight, or Obese.

Age Calculator Functions

  1. Age Calculation Function: calculate_age(birthdate) Description: Calculates age, days lived, and months lived based on the provided birthdate.

Main Program

Function: main() Description: The main function that runs the calculator program. It displays a menu with options for Normal Calculator, BMI Calculator, Age Calculator, and Exit. It takes user input, performs the selected operation, and provides results.

Usage Run the program using a Python interpreter. Follow the on-screen instructions to choose between Normal Calculator, BMI Calculator, Age Calculator, or Exit. Input the required values for calculations. View the results and interpretations.