This is an app that generates a html file with information about future discord events. It uses discord.py to connect to a discord server, fetch data, and then generate an html file. Output file is generated based on a template that can be modified.


Docker (recommended)

This app is docker ready. Assuming docker and docker-engine are installed run docker-compose up --build. Make sure to set DISCORD_AUTH_TOKEN and GUILD_ID environment variables.

Locally (linux)

This app uses python 3.11. Earlier version might work, but they're not tested.

This app uses poetry for managing dependencies. Ensure it's installed locally.

  1. Create a local environment with python -m venv .venv.
  2. Activate virtual env source .venv/bin/activate
  3. Install dependencies with poetry install
  4. Provide environment variables
    1. create a .env file and put environment variables there
    2. (alternatively) prepend the command in the next step with them like so DISCORD_AUTH_TOKEN="code" GUILD_ID="id" python main.py
  5. Run the app python main.py


  • DISCORD_AUTH_TOKEN str - auth token of a bot
  • GUILD_ID str - id of a guild the bot is supposed to retrive events from


  • HTML_LOCALE str default = en_uk - which language should be used for generating names in the output data (like weekdays)
  • HTML_OUTPUT_PATH str default = PROJECT_ROOT/output/output.html - where to save generated html file
  • LOGS_DIRECTORY str default = PROJECT_ROOT/logs - where logs should be saved
  • DISCORD_LOG_LEVEL str default = INFO - what level of messages should be logged from the discord.py library
  • APP_LOG_LEVEL str default = INFO - what level of messages should be logged from the app