
Self balancing robot (Segway) based on modified/extended MultiWii 2.3 firmware.

Primary LanguageC++

=================================== BalancingWii rev 1.0

Autumn... More time to keep soldering iron and do something cool! So let's continue! :)

This is stable 1.0 release of balancing robot (based on modified/extended MultiWii 2.3 firmware).

New features:

  • Fall down?! New auto rise (stand up) function! (can be activated via box in GUI). Now it's also possible to stand up manually when it's fall down.
  • Position hold (can be activated via box in GUI). Try to play, how it returns when you are pushing/kicking the robot.
  • Possibility to control/steer from Android device by MultiWii EZ-GUI tool (go to Config -> Advanced -> Model control New)
  • More stability and speed accordingly (see in video!)
  • Predefined PIDs
  • Simple mode for newcomers
  • Set of code refactorings and cleaning.

Apps: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.shokurov.mspcontrol https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ezio.multiwii

New video: http://youtu.be/038e2j9nE3M


Enjoy! ;)


=================================== BalancingWii rev 0.1

Hi all!

This is the balancing robot based on modified/extended MultiWii 2.3 firmware.

Video: http://youtu.be/U8bBna9iWCU



  • Arduino nano (atmega328p)
  • mpu6050 gyro-accelerometer (GY_521)
  • any RC receiver with CPPM (ppmsum) output OR serial Bluetooth module like HC-05
  • A4988 motor drivers with 1/8 microstepping configuration (see http://www.pololu.com/product/1182/ for details)
  • Nema 17 stepper motors
  • 1/8 Buggy Wheels
  • Buzzer

Pinout for Arduino nano (atmega328p):

  • A0 - V_BATPIN: after the resistor divisor we should get [0V;5V]->[0;1023] on analogue V_BATPIN with R1=33k and R2=51k, i.e. (+12v)51k(A0 pin)33k(GND)


  • A4 - SDA
  • A5 - SCL

RC control:

  • D2 - CPPM (PPM_SUM)

Motor driver pins:

  • D5 - STEP1 (PORTD 5)
  • D6 - STEP2 (PORTD 6)
  • D7 - DIR1 (PORTD 7)
  • D8 - DIR2 (PORTB 0)
  • D4 - ENABLE (for both)

If you look to the tail of the robot:

  • right motor = STEP1 & DIR1
  • left motor = STEP2 & DIR2

Also see for new defines added with this project for robot setup:

#define CURRENT_AXIS PITCH // possible to choose ROLL or PITCH axis as current.

//#define INVERT_CURRENT_AXIS // invert current axis sign, i.e. instead of turning sensor board

//#define REVERSE_MOTORS_DIRECTION // reverse both motors direction

#define MAX_SPEED 400 // should be <= 500 #define MAX_TARGET_ANGLE 120 // where 10 = 1 degree, should be <= 15 degree (i.e. <= 150) #define MAX_STEERING 90 // should be <= 100

//#define GY_521_INVERTED_BY_Z // Chinese 6 DOF with MPU6050, LLC, inverted/reversed by Z

Big thanks for the projects:

Enjoy! ;)