Word Count Map Reducer based on gRPC

A distributed map reduce program to do word count with gRPC (https://grpc.io) on local machine.

How to run:

you can start driver program, and then open a few more terminal windows, and start more worker program, when it finished, you should see output files containing the frequency of each work in the input files.

Run driver

go run driver.go

Run worker

go run worker.go mapper_reducer.go

Set protocol buffers

I used protocol buffers for ManageTaskPool microservice

 go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
 protoc --go_out=paths=source_relative:worker_driver -I. worker_driver.proto
 protoc --go-grpc_out=paths=source_relative:worker_driver -I. worker_driver.proto


  • Both worker and driver access to same file system (they have same path to files).
  • Inputs are always in a directory called inputs
  • Intermediate files, which are results of map tasks are in intermediates directory.
  • Output files, are in outputs directory
  • Division of tasks is based on Count of files, therefore number of map tasks will be minimum of given number of map tasks and given number of files
  • Default number of map tasks is 6
  • Default number of reduce tasks is 4


You can change these settings in worker_driver/config.go file.


A map reducer system, where each map or reduce task is done using map reduce methodology

  • step1: Driver separates whole task of word counting into some map tasks and reduce tasks to speed up and use available separate computers in different locations.
  • step2: A specific map/reduce task is assigned to one and only one worker.
  • step3: Worker process the map task using map reduce methodology to speed up and use all 8 cores of its system.
  • step4: Worker process the reduce task using map reduce methodology to speed up and use all 8 cores of its system.

gRPC based word counter Architecture

Protocol and microservices

You can find about protocols and end points in ManageTaskPool microservice in the following diagram. Workflow diagram Symbols follow BPM standards.