
This ASP.Net Project uses a high level of abstarction by the aid of SOLID design pattern and Dependency Injection pattern. And a high speed due to the use of Stored Procedures for CRUD functions and selections from database

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Languages: C#, SQL JavaScript, CSS, HTML, BootStrap

Note: See Sample02 and branch feature-1.02-SOLID&DI_WithStoredProcedure branch for the final developmed application

Designed a CRUD based Web application in MVC ASP.Net Framework, Applied SOLID Design Principles and Dependency Injection Design Pattern, All the CRUD functions done by Stored Procedures you can find here:


This Project done in 3 layers: Model, Controller, View: start seeing each step like this: Model=> Controller=> View

you can also see the SOLID and DI version without stored procedures in the branch of feature-1.02-SOLID&DI and Sample02 folder