
Move data easily from Oracle to Couchbase database

Primary LanguageJava



From a set of Oracle database tables, extract the data and import them into a Couchbase database. Each row will be transformed to a JSON Document and stored in Cocuhbase.

The Java utility will do direct connection to Oracle and Couchbase. There are no extra import/export files in the process.

To execute, use the libary oracle2couchbase.jar published in the release oh this repository. There are some external dependecies required explained below.


  • Each JSON Document will include a element named "type", equal to the name of the table. This element is used to distinguish between different kind of objects.
  • All the attribute names are lower-case
  • Couchbase is a key-value document database. The format of the key will be derived from the relational primary key as follows:

[table name in lower case]::[value of field1 of the PK]::[value of field 2 of the PK]:: ...

  • Numeric, boolean and text data types will be preserved in the transformation
  • Oracle Date and Timestamps types will be stored in Couchbase as strings in ISO 8601 format.
  • Binary and LOB types (BLOB, CLOB, BINARY, VARBINARY, LONGVARBINARY) will be stored as strings Base64 encoded

Transformation Example


  • Couchbase Client Java SDK. You can get it here. Check your SDK version. For example, for SDK 2.2.6, the following libraries are required:
    • couchbase-java-client-2.2.6.jar
    • couchbase-core-io-1.2.7.jar
    • rxjava-1.0.17.jar
  • Oracle thin driver. Download from here - requires login -. You can also find thin driver in any Oracle database installation, under [ORACLE_HOME]/jdbc/lib. In particular the following library are required:
    • ojdbc6.jar


Command line:

java -cp [path_to]/oracle2couchbase.jar:[path_to]/couchbase-java-client-2.2.6.jar:[path_to]/couchbase-core-io-1.2.7.jar:
-Dparameter1=value1 -Dparameter2=value2 ... com.oracle2couchbase.Loader


  • cbClusterAddress: Machine name/IP of the Couchbase server/list of servers. Default value:
  • cbBucketName: Couchbase bucket name. Default value: "default"
  • cbBucketPassword: Couchbase bucket password.
  • oraAddress: Machine name/IP of the Oracle server. Default value:
  • oraPort: Port of the Oracle servers. Default value: 1521
  • oraUser: Oracle database User
  • oraPassword: Oracle database password
  • oraSid: Oracle SID value
  • oraService: Oracle Service value
  • oraTables: Comma separated list of the tables to export


java -cp ./oracle2couchbase.jar:./lib/couchbase-java-client-2.2.6.jar:./lib/couchbase-core-io-1.2.7.jar:
-DcbClusterAddress=couchbaseMachine -DcbBucketName=HR -DoraAddress=oracleMachine -DoraUser=HR -DoraPassword=oracle