
Docker python with scrapy installed

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Build Status FOSSA Status

Docker python with scrapy installed

Pre-configurate python environment in docker


  • nodemon help debug faster
  • redis for store data
  • required lib to build scrapy

Getting start

You get running scrapy out of the box.

If just getting started, you can create project with this.

docker run --mount type=bind,src="/path/to/code",target="/app" -t mai1015/python_scrapy:latest scrapy startproject web 

If you got your code ready, you can go ahead

docker run --mount type=bind,src="/path/to/code",target="/app" mai1015/python_scrapy:latest

It will run app.py with nodemon which will restart when detecting changes on files


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