
React Components for making print CSS templates cleaner and easier to manage

Primary LanguageJavaScript


React Components for making print CSS templates cleaner and easier to manage


   npm install react-print


Create your own markup structure in explicitly named components (e.g., InvoicePrint). You can nest child components within these as well. If you already have all the data you need in a store, grab it in componentDidMount(). If you need to get different or extra data, make a call to the server and pass it in as props or as part of componentDidMount().


You can find a usable example of this demo code in the demo directory.

<div id="react-no-print"></div> <!-- stuff to hide on print -->
<div id="print-mount"></div> <!--react mount point for markup to show ON print-->
var React = require('react');
var ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
var PrintTemplate = require ('react-print');

class MyTemplate extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
                  <h3>All markup for showing on print</h3>
                  <p>Write all of your "HTML" (really JSX) that you want to show
                  on print, in here</p>
                  <p>If you need to show different data, you could grab that data
                  via AJAX on componentWill/DidMount or pass it in as props</p>
                  <p>The CSS will hide the original content and show what is in your
                  Print Template.</p>

ReactDOM.render(<MyTemplate/>, document.getElementById('print-mount'));