
simple tutorial of how to build an msix installer from c++ code

Primary LanguageC++

Hello world for MSIX

This is a hello world project demonstrating how to pack a CPP program to a windows MSIX package.

The project is highly inspired by offical document on creating package from source.

✅ What this project do

  • build a small console program using CPP
  • pack it to MSIX installer
  • install it on the local machine

❌ What this project not do

  • distribute the app to Microsoft Store

🔧 Tools used

  • MSVC compiler and Windows SDK.
  • CMake
  • VScode

💡 no visual studio needed

Enable Develop mode on your windows 10

Settings -> Update& security -> For developer

💡 you can check if you have enabled develop mode in PowerShell:


ExpirationTime        IsValid
--------------        -------
12/31/9999 8:00:00 AM    True

Minimum steps to package you code

  1. Build a CPP executable.
  2. Create an appxmanifest.xml file
  3. Fill the required the information in appxmanifest.xml file follow the official document
  4. Create and import a certificate
  5. Pack the runtime files with makeappx.exe from windows SDK
  6. Sign the app with a certificate

Create and import a certificate

create a certificate to sign an app

New-SelfSignedCertificate -Type Custom -Subject "CN=Tonghao, O=Tonghao, L=Shanghai, S=Shanghai, C=China" -KeyUsage DigitalSignature -FriendlyName "TonghaoCert" -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\CurrentUser\My" -TextExtension @("{text}", "{text}")

💡 make sure CN=Tonghao, O=Tonghao, L=Shanghai, S=Shanghai, C=China matches the one in appxmanifest

💡 replace TonghaoCert with what you like

💡 see the official document for details.

export to a *.pfx file

$password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String 123 -Force -AsPlainText
Export-PfxCertificate -cert "Cert:\CurrentUser\My\31FD5691A428FD73B26ECEB1E571929BCEF9FFD0" -FilePath d:\oss\hello_msix\tonghao.pfx -Password $password

💡 modify the 123 and d:\oss\hello_msix\tonghao.pfx if needed

import to TrustedPeople folder

open tool import

Sign the app

SignTool sign /fd SHA256 hello.msix

💡 see the official document for details

How to run this code

  • build the executables with CMake

    mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..

You should now see the installer hello.msix in the root directory and install the app by double click the hello.msxi


Install/Uninstall before packing(test only, not required by packing)

  • Install:

    Add-AppxPackage -Register AppxManifest.xml
  • Get installed package:

    Get-AppxPackage -Name Tonghao.Yuan.hello
    Name              : Tonghao.Yuan.hello
    Publisher         : CN=Tonghao, O=Tonghao, L=Shanghai, S=Shanghai, C=China
    Architecture      : X64
    ResourceId        :
    Version           :
    PackageFullName   : Tonghao.Yuan.hello_1.0.0.0_x64__nqywa46cgs0va
    InstallLocation   : C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Tonghao.Yuan.hello_1.0.0.0_x64__nqywa46cgs0va
    IsFramework       : False
    PackageFamilyName : Tonghao.Yuan.hello_nqywa46cgs0va
    PublisherId       : nqywa46cgs0va
    IsResourcePackage : False
    IsBundle          : False
    IsDevelopmentMode : False
    NonRemovable      : False
    IsPartiallyStaged : False
    SignatureKind     : Developer
    Status            : Ok
  • Uninstall:

    Remove-AppxPackage -Package "Tonghao.Yuan.hello_nqywa46cgs0va"

    💡 You can also uninstall the app from the start menu