
This is a SvelteKit skeleton project which I use as a GitHub template to create SvelteKit examples. I added a configuration Gitpod and workspace settings.

You can also launch a SvelteKit project with these shortcuts (maintained by StackBlitz):

Keeping dependencies up-to-date

I update dependencies in this template now and then. These are the steps:

  1. Run npm init svelte . to regenerate the SvelteKit skeleton project into the existing directory.
  2. Where should we create your project? Leave blank for the current directory.
  3. Directory not empty. Continue? Yes.
  4. Which Svelte app template? Skeleton project.
  5. Add type checking with TypeScript? Yes, using JavaScript with JSDoc comments.
  6. Use ESLint for code linting? Yes.
  7. Use Prettier for code formatting? Yes.
  8. Add Playwright for browser testing? No.
  9. Delete node_module and package-lock.json and run npm i.