
[Client] Native Android SDK for Tink Germany XS2A API.

Primary LanguageKotlinOtherNOASSERTION


XS2A Android - Native Android SDK for XS2A

License Platform Languages Maven Central

Demo Screencast

A demo screencast of the test bank login flow can be found here.


Your projects minSDK has to be 21 or higher.

Add the dependency to your build.gradle.

dependencies {
    // ... Other Dependencies

    implementation "com.fintecsystems:xs2awizard:<version>"

Update proguard rules

Since we use reflection for our serialization, please add the following to your proguard-rules.pro file:

-keep class com.fintecsystems.xs2awizard.** { *; }
-keepclassmembers class com.fintecsystems.xs2awizard.** { *; }

Migration from v3

Please refer to the v4 release notes.


// Compose
// Just call composable
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), // Recommended
    sessionKey = <your-session-key>, // Required

// Create Fragment
val xs2aWizard = XS2AWizardFragment(
    sessionKey = <your-session-key> // Required

// Commit fragment
supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction().let {
    it.add(<wizard-container>, xs2aWizard)


Jetpack Compose

Pass a XS2AWizardCallbackListener-instance to the Composable.

val callbackListener = object : XS2AWizardCallbackListener {
     * interface implementation

    // ...
    callbackListener = callbackListener,


Register Fragment Callbacks to listen for callbacks.

You may use the keys statically provided by XS2AWizardFragment.

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    // ...
        this // May be your Activity
    ) { requestKey, bundle ->
        if (requestKey == XS2AWizardFragment.onFinishKey) {
            // Perform onFinish action
    // ...

You may also use the FragmentResultOwner.setXs2aCallbacks convencience method. Similar to the Jetpack Compose implementation this expects an XS2AWizardCallbackListener-instance.

Use FragmentResultOwner.clearXs2aCallbacks to clear them.

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    // ...

    val callbackListener = object : XS2AWizardCallbackListener {
        * interface implementation

        this, // May be your Activity

    // ...

// ...

override fun onDestroy() {
    // ...
    // Clear callbacks

Wizard-Step handling

In case you need to know if the current form is the bank search or first login screen, you can use the following convenience methods:

  • XS2AWizardViewModel.isBankSearch
  • XS2AWizardViewModel.isLogin

Refer to Accessing the ViewModel for accessing these methods.

Credentials saving

This feature must be activated on your XS2A-Account.
For more details on this feature contact the technical support of Tink Germany.

On API-Level 23+ the user is able to decide to save their credentials for use in future transactions.

Please note that this does not raise the minSDK to 23.
Devices using API-Level 21/22 will ignore this feature.

The user must have at least one fingerprint registered, otherwise this feature will be ignored and he will not be asked to save/load his credentials.


You'll be able to delete the credentials by calling XS2AWizardViewModel.clearCredentials.

You should provide a button that calls this function e.g. in your settings.


For interoperability reasons wrapper classes are excusively used for the theme.

val theme = XS2ATheme(
    tintColor = XS2AColor("#ff0000"),
    backgroundColor = XS2AColor("#00ff00"),
    submitButtonStyle = ButtonStyle(
        backgroundColor = XS2AColor("#ffffff"),
        textColor = XS2AColor("#000000")

    // ... Other arguments

// Now pass the theme

// Compose
    // ...
    theme = theme

    // ...
    theme = theme


Instead of within XS2ATheme a custom font has to be defined differently depending on the Framework used.

// Compose
    // ...
    typography = Typography(
        defaultFontFamily = FontFamily.Default

    // ...
    fontResId = <id-of-your-font>

Accessing the ViewModel

It is possible to access the ViewModel to call form functions like goBack or abort.

The ViewModel dependencies are required to access the ViewModel.
See here for more information.


Pass your ViewModel, using the viewModels function, and pass it to the XS2AWizard.

It is possible to freely define the ViewModel-Scope. Please refer to this answer for more information.

App to App redirection (Beta)

Some banks support redirecting to their banking app. Per default the SDK will not redirect to the banking app and opens the internal WebView instead.

If you'd like to make use of this feature you can configure the SDK the following way:

Modify your AndroidManifest.xml with the following:

    android:exported="true" // Required
    android:launchMode="singleInstance" // Required, other values might be used as well.
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
            android:scheme="<scheme>" />

Populate host and scheme with your the URL of your App.

After that just pass your URL to the SDK:

// Compose
    sessionKey = <your-session-key>,
    redirectDeepLink = "<scheme>://<host>" // Insert your deep link

// Fragment
    sessionKey = <your-session-key>,
    redirectDeepLink = "<scheme>://<host>" // Insert your deep link

Now every time the SDK encounters an URL to a bank which is known by us to support App2App redirection, the user gets asked if they want to perform the action within the WebView or the banking app.


val xS2AWizardViewModel = viewModel<XS2AWizardViewModel>()

Column {
        // Access form functions
    }) {

        xS2AWizardConfig = <your-config>,
        xs2aWizardViewModel = xS2AWizardViewModel


The ViewModel-Scope of XS2AWizardFragment is the Host-Activity, because of that just access the Activity's viewModels() directly or if you need to access it within a Fragment with activityViewModels().


class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    val xs2aWizardViewModel: XS2AWizardViewModel by viewModels()


    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {


        findViewById<Button>(R.id.backButton).setOnClickListener {



Please note that this mobile SDK is subject to the MIT license. MIT license does not apply to the logo of Tink Germany GmbH, the terms of use and the privacy policy of Tink Germany GmbH. The license terms of the logo of Tink Germany GmbH, the terms of use and the privacy policy of Tink Germany GmbH are included in the LICENSE as Tink Germany LICENSE.