
Clone repository for plugin YITH Woocommerce Product Vendors (https://yithemes.com/themes/plugins/yith-woocommerce-multi-vendor/)

Primary LanguagePHP

=== YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor ===

Contributors: yithemes
Tags: woocommerce multi vendor store, woocommerce marketplace, product vendors, vendors, vendor, multi store, multi vendor, multi seller, woocommerce product vendors, woocommerce multi vendor, commission rate, seller, shops, vendor shop, vendor system, woo vendors, wc vendors, e-commerce, multivendor, multivendors, wc multivendor, WooCommerce vedors, WooCommerce, Vendor, Multivendor, marketplace, seller, product vendor, product vendors, store, WooCommerce multivendor, Woo vendors, wc vendors, multistore, dc vendors, dc vendor, dc multi vendor, dc multi vendors, dc product vendor, dc product vendors, woocommerce marketplace, yit, yith, yithemes
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 5.5
Stable tag: 3.6.3
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html/

YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor is a plugin developed to switch your website into a platform hosting more than one shop, like a multivendor marketplace.

== Description ==

Are you trying to make your WooCommerce website a place where you can host many vendor pages and earn commissions from their sales? YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor
is the WooCommerce plugin explicitly developed to switch your WooCommerce website into a multivendor platform that will let you earn from commissions without you to lift a finger.
Moreover a multivendor shop brings more traffic to your site and allows you to get a better engine search positioning.
A double, huge benefit from a single WooCommerce plugin. And all free. Create your WooCommerce multivendor platform and enjoy this unique WooCommerce plugin!

**Section “Vendors”:**

* Create a WooCommerce vendor page with following information: name, PayPal email address, Owner, Store description, Slug
* Global Commission Rate for your WooCommerce vendors
* Superadmin can enable or disable sales for vendor in your WooCommerce store

**Shop owner can:**

* Manage vendor’s media gallery
* Manage vendor’s WooCommerce products
* Manage WooCommerce linked products: grouped, upsells and cross sells
* Edit vendor information: name, description, PayPal email address, slug

**Section “Commissions”:**

* Superadmin makes payments on the basis of his/her own policy, agreed by vendors when starting cooperation sale and commission reports in their WooCommerce store

**Section “Shop”:**

* Tab “Vendor” with information about the supplier (if any) and link to vendor’s page in WooCommerce single product page
* Vendor’s name next to product name in WooCommerce shop page
* Vendor’s name next to product name in WooCommerce single product page
* Widget for displaying a list of all vendors in your WooCommerce pages

= Languages =

Also available in:

* English
* Italian

= WPML =

Take advantage of [WPML](https://wpml.org/it/extensions/yith-woocommerce-multi-vendor/) compatibility.
You are free to translate easily your plugin with the powerful tool [WPML](https://wpml.org/?aid=24889&affiliate_key=Qn1wDeBNTcZV).

YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor is **[100% WPML Compatible](https://wpml.org/extensions/yith-woocommerce-multi-vendor/)**

= PREMIUM FEATURES of YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor =

* Order management
* Shipping Management
* Order refund management
* Seller vacation module
* Customise WooCommerce vendors’s pages with additional information (contact info, social networks etc.)
* Name one or more administrators for your WooCommerce vendor shop
* Edit commission rate for vendor and for WooCommerce single product
* Publish products for sale without super admin permission (customisable for each vendor)
* Advanced WooCommerce reports for vendor shops: orders, stock management and commissions
* Advanced WooCommerce reports for admin: registered vendors and sales report for each single vendor
* Pay commissions via PayPal when WooCommerce order is completed
* Pay commissions via PayPal when a specific threshold amount set by the vendor is reached
* Pay commissions using bulk actions
* Pay commissions manually in your WooCommerce store
* Notify commission payments via email in your WooCommerce store
* Handle coupons: super admin can decide to include coupons in commission calculation or not
* Show a summary of all commissions and filter them using advanced filters (product, user, date etc.)
* Link to vendor’s page displayed below WooCommerce product concerned
* Decide the position for “Vendors” tab in WooCommerce single product page
* Product listing: display vendors’ products in WooCommerce shop page or not
* Add or remove links to vendor shop in WooCommerce shop page, in WooCommerce single product page and in WooCommerce category page
* Advanced management of WooCommerce related products
* WooCommerce Widget “Store Location”
* WooCommerce Widget “Store Quick Info”
* Hide WooCommerce widget “Quick info” to unlogged users
* Customise header of vendor shop page
* Manage your vendor using bulk actions
* Register a new vendor in front end of your WooCommerce site
* Set maximum amount of WooCommerce products that each vendor can put on sale
* Each vendor can create his/her own coupons
* Each vendor can manage reviews of his/her own products
* Let users send messages about WooCommerce shop products to the administrator
* "New order" and "Cancelled order" email system for vendor (NEW)
* Admin can set a minimum value for commission withdrawals (NEW)
* Admin can enable/disable the option for management of WooCommerce featured products (NEW)
* Shortcodes for list of vendors (NEW)
* Show item sold and total sales information in WooCommerce single product page
* 100% compatible with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter to let your users filter also vendor's products and pages
* Italian language available for your WooCommerce multi-vendor store

For more information about the PREMIUM version of YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor, visit its official page on **[yithemes marketplace](https://yithemes.com/themes/plugins/yith-woocommerce-multi-vendor)**

= Premium Live Demo =

Do you want to discover all plugin features? Would you like to try it?

Visit our **[test sandbox](https://plugins.yithemes.com/yith-woocommerce-multi-vendor)**
By accessing our testing platform, you will be able to discover all plugin features and test it as your prefer, both in back end and in front end.

What are you waiting for, visit the official "**[live demo](https://plugins.yithemes.com/yith-woocommerce-multi-vendor)**" of the plugin and click on "LAUNCH ADMIN DEMO" link that you find in the topbar to make test our plugin right now.

= Compatibility with WooCommerce plugins =

YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor has been tested and compatibility is certain with the following WooCommerce plugins that you can add to your site:

* [**YITH Woocommerce Ajax Product Filter**](https://wordpress.org/plugins/yith-woocommerce-ajax-navigation)
* [**YITH WooCommerce Catalog Mode**](https://wordpress.org/plugins/yith-woocommerce-catalog-mode)
* [**YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-On**](https://wordpress.org/plugins/yith-woocommerce-brands-add-on)
* [**YITH Purchased Column for WooCommerce**](https://wordpress.org/plugins/yith-purchased-column-for-woocommerce)

= Coming Soon =

Are you curious to know what we are preparing for you?
In the next versions of YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor, in addition to the ones already mentioned you will also find the following new features:

**Later Releases**

* Custom store image
* Tax management
* Seller verification system

...and much more!

= Documentation =

Please, read the the **[official documentation of YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor](http://yithemes.com/docs-plugins/yith-woocommerce-multi-vendor)** to know all plugin features.

== Screenshots ==

1. Admin: add a new vendor shop through YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor
2. Admin: vendor's product list
3. Admin: Set default commission percentage in your WooCommerce multi-vendor store
4. Admin: Commission details
5. Admin: Vendor's commission report
6. Admin: WooCommerce Widget option details
7. Shop: WooCommerce Shop page with widget showing list of vendors
8. Shop: Vendor's shop page
9. Shop: Show Vendor for this WooCommerce product

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= New "Vendors" link in dashboard =

From version 1.6.1 the old link to access to vendor section has been removed (Products > Vendors).
In the new version, vendors can directly access by clicking on "Vendors" in dashboard main menu.

= Can I customize plugin templates ? =

Yes, you can, plugin templates can be overwritten from your theme.
You just have to create the folder *woocommerce/product-vendors* and add in it the templates that you want to customize.

= Is it compatible with all WordPress themes? =

Compatibility with all themes is impossible, because they are too many, but generally if themes are developed according to WordPress and WooCommerce guidelines, YITH plugins are compatible with them.
Yet, we can grant compatibility with themes developed by YIThemes, because they are constantly updated and tested with our plugins. Sometimes, especially when new versions are released, it might only require some time for them to be all updated, but you can be sure that they will be tested and will be working in a few days.

= How can I get support if my WooCommerce plugin is not working? =

If you have problems with our plugins or something is not working as it should, first follow this preliminary steps:

* Test the plugin with a WordPress default theme, to be sure that the error is not caused by the theme you are currently using.
* Deactivate all plugins you are using and check if the problem is still occurring.
* Ensure that you plugin version, your theme version and your WordPress and WooCommerce version (if required) are updated and that the problem you are experiencing has not already been solved in a later plugin update.

If none of the previous listed actions helps you solve the problem, then, submit a ticket in the forum and describe your problem accurately, specify WordPress and WooCommerce versions you are using and any other information that might help us solve your problem as quickly as possible. Thanks!

== Installation ==

**Important**: First of all, you have to download and activate [WooCommerce](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce) plugin, because without it YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor cannot work.

1. Unzip the downloaded zip file.
2. Upload the plugin folder into the `wp-content/plugins/` directory of your WordPress site.
3. Activate `YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor` from Plugins page.

= Configuration =

YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor will add a new tab called "Multi Vendor" in "YIT Plugins" menu item. There, you will find all Yithemes plugins with quick access to plugin setting page.

== Changelog ==

= 3.6.3 - Released on 17 September 2020 =

* New: Support for WooCommerce 4.5
* New: Support for WordPress 5.5

= 3.6.2 - Released on 27 May 2020 =

* New: Support for WooCommerce 4.2
* Update: Plugin framework
* Fix: Item restock two times on order cancelled

= 3.6.1 - Released on 04 May 2020 =

* New: Support for WordPress 5.4
* New: Update plugin framework
* Fix: Unable to save non-unique line item order meta
* Fix: Unable to to see and edit orders with WPML
* Fix: Unable to use HTML tag for vendor description with YOAST SEO plugin enabled
* Dev: yith_wcmv_show_commission_page to hide the commissions page in admin area

= 3.6.0 - Released on 12 March 2020 =

* New: Supporting WooCommerce 4.0
* New: Supporting WordPress 5.4
* New: Column "Parent Order" in orders list table (vendor side)
* New: Vendor can search by parent order id
* Tweak: Set template_base for all plugin's emails
* Tweak: New commissions refund management
* Tweak: Allow to use custom locale for plugin text domain
* Tweak: WPML integration
* Tweak: New register_taxonomy management
* Update: plugin framework
* Fix: Missing default value in vendor object
* Fix: Try to use non numeric value like number
* Fix: Wrong text domain and translation issues
* Fix: Wrong order amount in WooCommerce > Analytics > Orders section
* Fix: Wrong order count in WooCommerce > Analytics > Orders section
* Fix: Wrong order amount in WooCommerce > Analytics > Revenue section
* Fix: Wrong order count in WooCommerce > Analytics > Revenue section
* Fix: Undefined index 's' issue in orders section
* Fix: Missing $product arg in woocommerce_attribute_label hook
* Fix: $is_visible arg in woocommerce_order_item_name hook
* Fix: Unable to assign vendor to a product
* Fix: Show refund information in single order page only if needed
* Fix: Show refund information in single commission page only if needed
* Fix: Show refund amount in single commission template
* Dev: add yith_wcmv_register_commission_refund action after register commission refunded
* Dev: add yith_wcmv_delete_commission_refund action after delete commission refunded
* Dev: add yith_wcmv_get_translation_keys for term translation

= 3.5.3 - Released on 27 December 2019 =

* New: Support to WooCommerce 3.9
* Update: Spanish language
* Dev: yith_wcmv_remove_role_for_vendor_admins hook to filter the vendor role to remove for vendor admins

= 3.5.2 - Released on 11 December 2019 =

* Fix: Strip slash char in Vendor quick info email
* Fix: index 'woocommerce' doesn't exists

= 3.5.1 - Released on 28 November 2019 =

* Update: Plugin framework

= 3.5.0 - Released on 04 November 2019 =

* New: Support for WooCommerce 3.8
* New: Support for WordPress 5.3
* New: Bubble notification for Vendor's order
* Update: Plugin framework
* Fix: Unexpected issue with WC_Eval_Math
* Fix: Unable to translate vendor name with WooCommerce Multilingual
* Fix: Unable to translate vendor name in taxonomy edit page with WPML
* Fix: Vendor can see customer details in order preview
* Dev: yith_wcmv_skip_check_duplicate_term_name to skip check duplicated term name

= 3.4.2 - Released on 04 November 2019 =

* Update: Plugin framework

= 3.4.1 - Released on 30 October 2019 =

* Update: Plugin framework

= 3.4.0 - Released on 09th August, 2019 =

* New: Support for WooCommerce 3.7
* New: Admin can create vendor's order from admin area
* New: Filter by Vendors in products list tables
* Tweak: Add 'vendor_id' meta data in Vendor suborder
* Update: All language files
* Fix: Fatal error in single order and single commission page in admin area with WPML and WooCommerce Multilingual
* Fix: Style issues with Storefront theme
* Fix: Some style bugs in admin area
* Fix: Class YITH_Multi_Vendor_Shortcodes doesn't exists during ajax call
* Fix: Multiste support on vendor creation

= 3.3.2 - Released on 12st June, 2019 =

* Update: Plugin Framework
* Fix: Order synchronization change status of balance suborder
* Dev: yith_wcmv_get_main_page_url to change the admin_url for email
* Dev: yith_wcmv_vendor_cart_elements_package
* Dev: yith_wcmv_check_is_vendor_coupon_in_create_suborder to check if a coupon is linked to current vendor
* Dev: yith_wcmv_vendor_admin_settings_store_email_label to filter the Store Email label
* Dev: yith_wcmv_vendor_admin_settings_store_name_label to filter the Store Name label

= 3.3.1 - Released on 23rd April, 2019 =

* Fix: Update Plugin FW

= 3.3.0 - Released on 18th April, 2019 =

* New: Support for WooCommerce 3.6
* New: Autoptimize Support
* New: Option to change the word Vendor/Vendors in all plugin string
* Update: Italian language
* Update: Spanish language
* Tweak: Change all add_post_meta to WooCommerce add_meta_data() method
* Tweak: Change all update_post_meta to WooCommerce update_meta_data() method
* Tweak: Change soft deprecated method $coupon->is_valid() with the new one $coupon->is_coupon_valid()
* Fix: Removed YOAST SEO widgets and messages for vendor users
* Fix: Removed Jetpack widget and messages for vendor users
* Fix: Removed WooCommerce Suggestions for vendor users
* Fix: Removed "Import products by CSV" on vendor side
* Fix: Removed single product metabox added by ConvertKit plugin
* Fix: Removed Jetpack page in vendor admin area
* Fix: Change deprecated method $coupon->enable_free_shipping() with the new one $coupon->get_free_shipping()
* Fix: FREE Shipping form for vendors show the value "N/A" after save
* Fix: Google Map issue in Vendor page if Autoptimize Js minify option is enabled
* Fix: Prevent to call WC_AJAX::json_search_customer_name if doesn't exists
* Fix: Internationalized messages should not contain the '\r' escape sequence
* Fix: Order will set to pending status with frontend manager
* Fix: Unable to unset columns in commissions list table
* Dev: yith_wcmv_commission_details_current_user_can_edit_users hook to change the edit user capability check in commission details page
* Dev: yith_wcmv_get_commissions_args hook
* Dev: yith_wcmv_create_order_address_fields hook on create suborder
* Dev: yith_wcmv_remove_product_metaboxes hook to remove metabox added by 3rd-party plugins

= 3.2.8 - Released on 24th January, 2019 =

* Fix: Font-awesome style is enqueue in all pages
* Fix: No Add-ons on vendor suborder with YITH WooCommerce Product Add-ons
* Tweak: Prevent upload button fails for string with single quote
* Update: All language files
* Update: Plugin FW
* Dev: yith_wcmv_commissions_user_actions action

= 3.2.7 - Released on 22th October, 2018 =

* Update: Plugin Core Framework

= 3.2.6 - Released on 19th October, 2018 =

* Tweak: Removed old javascript code
* Fix: prevent fatal error on place order
* Fix: js file due to an incorrect italian translation
* Fix: Prevent fatal error after update to new YITH Essential Kit for WooCommerce
* Dev: yith_wcmv_admin_localize_script_args hook to filter the admin.js localize args

= 3.2.5 - Released on 16th October, 2018 =

* New: Support for WooCommerce 3.5
* Update: Plugin Framework
* Tweak: Code refactoring and optimization
* Fix: Unable to calculate per quantity extra  shipping cost with WooCommerce 3.5

= 3.2.4 - Released on 05th October, 2018 =

* New: Enable order synchronization for administrator
* Fix: get_plugin_Data doesn't exist

= 3.2.3 - Released on 27th September, 2018 =

* Tweak: Prevent Fatal Error in commission view details if website administrator delete orders in database table
* Tweak: Vendors commissions management
* Tweak: Font-Awesome 5 support for old icons
* Update: All language files
* Update: Plugin Framework
* Fix: PayPal Email doesn't exists during edit/creation vendor account
* Fix: Wrong order_id in vendor email order
* Fix: Wrong Information on DPA "How To" text
* Fix: Owner information missing in termmeta table
* Fix: Addons object doesn't exists during plugin installation
* Fix: Localization for commission_id string
* Fix: Search doesn't works in commissions page
* Fix: Type issue in privacy section
* Fix: Redirect URL when a user switches to another user or switches back.
* Fix: Unable to save PayPal MassPAy Options
* Fix: Duplicated email for customer (parent and suborder)
* Fix: Missing wpml language during parent to suborder synchronization
* Fix: Typo in Privacy section
* Remove: YITH_Vendor_Credit Class
* Dev: yith_wcmv_commissions_list_table_class hook to change or extends the commissions list table class
* Dev: yith_wcmv_commissions_step hook to change the commission step in input number fields

= 2.5.9 - Jul 06, 2018 =

* Fix: call undefined function get_plugin_data()

= 2.5.8 - May 25, 2018 =

* New: Privacy Policy Content Support

= 2.5.7 - May 18, 2018 =

* New: Support to WordPress 4.9.6RC2
* New: Support to WooCommerce 3.4.0RC1
* New: GDPR Support
* New: plugin fw version 3.0.15
* Fix: Suborder haven't shipping and billing address with latest plugin version
* Fix: Fatal error: Call to a member function get_order_number() on boolean with YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote plugin
* Fix: Call undefined method get_social_fields
* Fix: Add currency arg in commission get_amount() method
* Fix: FREE Shipping doesn't works fine with product included taxes display option enabled
* Fix: Remove Import and Export button for vendors
* Fix: Blank Shipping tab in add/edit product page
* Fix: Missing argument 2 $child_refund_id in orders class
* Fix: Fatal error on order status updating
* Fix: Blank character on YITH_Orders class
* Fix: No vendor owner information after remove the termmeta from database

= 2.5.0 - Mar 14, 2018 =

* Tweak: Removed all Deprecated PayPal Adaptive Payments options
* Tweak: Removed all Deprecated PayPal MassPay options
* Fix: Vendor can set shipping class in add product
* Fix: Sold By information style in WooCommerce mini-cart
* Fix: Post code doesn't works for vendor's shipping method
* Fix: Function wc_display_item_meta() doesn't exists in WooCommerce 2.6
* Fix: Date fitler for commissions table
* Fix: Order actions style
* Fix: Unable to combine filter by status and filter by date in commissions list page
* Fix: Filter style in commissions list page
* Dev: yith_wcmv_suborder_created action after vendor's suborder was created

= 2.4.2 - Feb 08, 2018 =

* Fix: Unable to enable plugin with PHP 5.4

= 2.4.1 - Feb 07, 2018 =

* New: Support for WooCommerce 3.3.1
* Updated: All languages file
* Fix: Plugin credited taxes to vendors only for the first product
* Fix: The plugin add double total sales for each product sell by vendor
* Fix: Vendors can't create new product attributes
* Fix: Vendors can't set product to draft status
* Fix: Unable to see suborders wth WooCommerce 3.3
* Fix: Unable to show featured products column

= 2.3.1 - Dec 18, 2017 =

* Fix: Unable to use commissions filter in commissions page WordPress 4.9
* Fix: Unable to add new product to parent order if the admin is a valid vendor
* Fix: change text-domain from woocommerce to yith-woocommerce-product-vendors
* Fix: Wrong string localizzation for vendor website field

= 2.3.0 - Nov 21, 2017 =

* New Support for WordPress 4.9
* New: Support for YITH WooCommerce One-click Chekout order
* Updated: Languages file
* Tweak: Plugin option panel string
* Tweak: Removed old jquery-chosen style
* Fix: Unable to assign products to vendor if the store name have coma(s)
* Fix: Refund amount show 0$ to administrator with multi venodr plugin enabled
* Fix: New user's with no roles can't access to become a vendor form in WordPress MultiSite
* Fix: Fatal error on commissions list table if, for some reason, the vendor is not valid anymore
* Fix: Database error in related products box in single product page if a vendor have only one product
* Fix: Options deps in order management

= 2.2.1 - Oct 12, 2017 =

* New: Support for WooCommerce 3.2.0-RC2
* Fix: Minor bugs with WordPress 4.8.2

= 2.2.0 - Sep 27, 2017 =

* Fix: Wrong tax amount in vendor suborder
* Fix: Unable to change vendor's commission in add/edit taxonomy screen
* Fix: No amount shown in commission view page with no variable products
* Fix: Loop on order refund with WooCommerce 3.0.x or greather
* Fix: Undefined property $meta in vendor new order email

= 2.0.3 - Aug 16, 2017 =

* Update: pot/po/mo files
* Fix: Exclude autodraft products from admin pending review
* Fix: Error during registration with YITH Social Login enabled
* Dev: Add hook yith_wcmv_get_header_size for vendor gravatar and header image size

= 2.0.2 - Jul 28, 2017=

Update: Core framework

= 2.0.1 - Jul 04, 2017 =

* New: Parent order info in vendor suborder page
* Update: Plugin core framework
* Update: All languages pot/po/mo files
* Fix: Wrong shipping calculation with no vendor products in cart
* Fix: Admin can't provide refund with plugin enabled
* Fix: Suborder hasn't private meta
* Fix: Unable to search all commissions suborder
* Fix: Unable to create commissions table with some MySQL version
* Dev: yith_wcmv_single_product_commission_value_object hook

= 2.0.0 - Jun 15, 2017 =

* Update: Plugin core framework
* Fix: Wrong shipping calculation with no vendor products in cart
* Fix: Admin can't provide refund with plugin enabled
* Fix: Website admin can't add new item to orders in backend
* Fix: Unable to set download permissions in parent order
* Fix: array_shift() expect parameter 1 to be array but WP_Error object given after the customer place an order
* Dev: add yith_wcmv_is_vendor_page hook
* Dev: add yith_wcmv_is_vendor_order_page hook
* Dev: add yith_wcmv_is_vendor_order_details_page hook
* Dev: yith_wcmv_single_product_commission_value_object hook

= 1.14.2 - May 08, 2017 =

* Fix: added check over wc_shipping_enabled function existance, to avoid Fatal Errors with WC 2.5.x
* Fix: Unable to filter by product in commissions page
* Fix: Wrong shop order count on vendor dashboard
* Fix: Can't access property directly for $product->id in frontend class
* Fix: Get formatted legacy deprecated since 2.4 notice
* Fix: Don't show product variation info in vendor suborders

= 1.14.0 - Apr 19, 2017 =

* Fix: added check over wc_shipping_enabled function existance, to avoid Fatal Errors with WC 2.5.x
* Fix: Unable to filter by product in commissions page
* Fix: Wrong shop order count on vendor dashboard
* Fix: Can't access property directly for $product->id in frontend class
* Fix: Get formatted legacy deprecated since 2.4 notice
* Fix: Don't show product variation info in vendor suborders

= 1.13.3 - Apr 06, 2017 =

* Fix: Unable to create a new vendor with WooCommerce 3.0.0
* Fix: Unable to add or change shop owner with WooCommerce 3.0.0

= 1.13.2 - Apr 06, 2017 =

* Update: Languages files
* Fix: warning for deprecated varation_id on wc 3.0.0
* Fix: Vendor suborder haven't set order total with WooCommerce 2.6

= 1.13.1 - Mar 29, 2017 =

* Tweak: Code refactoring
* Tweak: Remove deprecated action woocommerce_before_my_account, use the new woocommerce_account_dashboard hook
* Fix: Vendor can add existing content in product editor
* Fix: Vendor can't edit orders without commission
* Fix: Unable to set a different sidebar for each vendor with YITH 2.0 theme
* Dev: yith_wcmv_calculate_commission_amount hook

= 1.13.0 - Mar 21, 2017 =

* Add: Support to WooCommerce 3.0-RC1
* Fix: Vendor can't see their order with YITH WooCommerce Deposits and down payments plugin

= 1.12.1 - Mar 03, 2017 =

* Update: po/pot files
* Fix: Vendor admins can't edit orders
* Dev: yith_wcmv_sales_by_date_allowed_order_status hook

= 1.12.0 - Feb 14, 2017 =

* Tweak: Prevent duplicated order item meta _parent__commission_included_tax and _parent__commission_included_coupon
* Tweak: Moved store link style from wp_head to wp_enqueue_scripts
* Fix: Store link custom style doesn't works on shop page
* Fix: Remove old order item meta _parent__commission_included_tax and _parent__commission_included_coupon
* Fix: Vendor lost role if the owner entry level is set to subscriber instead of customer
* Fix: Unable to retreive enable selling value for vendor with WPML
* Dev: yith_wcmv_admin_order_item_headers action
* Dev: yith_wcmv_checkout_order_processed action
* Dev: yith_wcmv_get_line_total_amount_for_commission hook
* Dev: yith_wcmv_new_commission_note hook
* Dev: yith_wcmv_add_extra_commission_order_item_meta action
* Dev: yith_wcmv_add_extra_commission_order_item_meta action
* Dev: yith_wcmv_order_item_meta_no_sync hook
* Dev: yith_wcmv_order_details_page_commission_message hook

= 1.11.3 - Jan 23, 2017 =

* Fix: Unable to get enable sales and pending vendor cap

= 1.11.2 - Jan 23, 2017 =

* Fix: Unable to set an owner for translated vendor with WPML
* Fix: Missing registration date for translated vendor with WPML
* Dev: New function yith_wcmv_get_wpml_vendor_id to get the not translated vendor id

= 1.11.0 - Jan 18, 2017 =

* Tweak: Updated all pot and po/mo files
* Tweak: change "Commission date" to "Date" in commission details page
* Fix: Get order currency of a non-object
* Fix: Wrong store name in suborder metabox if the vendor are deleted
* Fix: No item total in commission detail page
* Fix: No tax in vendor sub-orders
* Fix: No tax in commission details page
* Fix: Prevent error Call to a member function commissions_to_pay() on a non-object after an order are set to complete
* Fix: Wrong currency in commission details page with Aaelia
* Fix: Unable to translate some string in commission details page

= 1.10.1 - Dec 28, 2016 =

* Added: Support to Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce
* Fixed: WooCommerce dashboard widget show duplicated sales in month in WooCommerce 2.6.x
* Fixed: Unable to sort commissions by vendor and by amount
* Fixed: Unable to sort commissions by Last Edit
* Fixed: Wrong last edit date in new commission
* Fixed: User with Vendor and Administrator role can't access in backed if vendor haven't selling capability

= 1.10.0 - Dec 05, 2016 =

* Added: Support to WordPress 4.7

= 1.9.16 - Nov 30, 2016 =

* Added: create_via order meta for vendor suborder
* Added: Support to WooCommerce Points and Rewards plugin. No double points if a customer buy a vendor product
* Tweak: Commissions table creation
* Fixed: Vendor can't delete their uploaded images
* Fixed: Remove customer search from orders section in vendor dashboard
* Fixed: missing tax_id and tax_amount if a customer buy a no taxable products
* Fixed: Unable to sort commissions list table
* Fixed: Suborder lost customer information if privacy option enabled
* Fixed: Vendor quote lost customer information if privacy option enabled
* Fixed: Empty Commissions list with version 1.9.15

= 1.9.15 - Nov 07, 2016 =

* Fixed: Vendor can see all trashed orders

= 1.9.14 - Oct 26, 2016 =

* Added: Body class yith_wcmv_user_is_vendor if current logged in user is a vendor
* Added: Body class yith_wcmv_user_is_vendor if current logged in user is not a vendor
* Fixed: Unable to filter by attributes with pending vendor profile and YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter plugin
* Fixed: Wrong processing order count in WordPress menu
* Fixed: Prevent error on activation for add_cap and WP_Role object
* Fixed: Website admin can't receive copy of quick info email
* Fixed: Order sync option doesn't work
* Fixed: Vendor order can't trigger correct action after order status changed
* Fixed: Shipping and Delivery event doesn't added in to calendar
* Fixed: Call undefined function get_current_screen() on plugin activation

= 1.9.13 - Aug 26, 2016 =

* Fixed: Change text domain from 'yith_wc_product_vendors' to 'yith-woocommerce-product-vendors'
* Fixed: No shipping address in order from RAQ
* Fixed: Prevent to send SMS for vendr suborder with YITH WooCommerce SMS Notifications

= 1.9.12 - Jul 14, 2016 =

* Fixed: Duplicated download permissions with WooCommerce 2.6

= 1.9.11 - Jun 24, 2016 =

* Fixed: warning on vendor dashboard with WP User Avatar plugin
* Fixed: Empty extra fields in vendor suborder with Bakery Theme
* Fixed: Missing product variations and taxes in vendor suborder after save main order

= 1.9.10 - Jun 07, 2016 =

* Added: Support to extra order fields
* Added: Support to YITH WooCommerce Checkout Manager
* Fixed: Disable line item edit in vendor details
* Fixed: Stripe credit card refund issue when an order change status to complete

= 1.9.9 - May 25, 2016 =

* Fixed: No vendor products in shop loop

= 1.9.8 - May 24, 2016 =

* Added: Support to WooCommerce 2.6-beta-2
* Tweak: Support to WooCommerce 2.6 icon set
* Fixed: 404 not found error after change the slug of vendor store
* Fixed: On order complete the customer receive a duplicate email
* Fixed: Vendor with no owner abort ajax checkout in frontend

= 1.9.7 - Apr 14, 2016 =

* Added: Vendors to navigation menus
* Added: yith_wcmv_hide_vendor_profile hook, use this to remove Vendor Details page in vendor dashboard
* Updated: Language files
* Tweak: Vendor can't manage essential grid metabox in edit product
* Fixed: Featured Products management doesn't work for vendor
* Fixed: Warning on order status not found in commissions report
* Fixed: Wrong product count in vendor screen
* Fixed: Wrong shop order counts
* Fixed: Class YITH_Addons doesn't exists in vendor dashboard
* Fixed: WooCommerce dashboard widget show duplicated sales in month
* Fixed: Unable to deactivated plugin in WordPress network website
* Fixed: Wrong order total for vendors (order total is without taxes)
* Removed: Essential grid metabox in add product page
* Removed: yith_wcmv_show_vendor_profile hook

= 1.9.6 - Apr 01, 2016 =

* Fixed: Class YITH_Addons doesn't exists in vendor dashboard

= 1.9.5 - Released: Marc 02, 2016 =

* Updated: All .po/.mo files
* Fixed: Translation issue in backend
* Fixed: Wrong tax calculation in vendor order
* Fixed: Vendor can edit reviews without capability in product details page
* Fixed: Privacy option for vendor orders doesn't hide email in order list

= 1.9.4 - Released: Feb 15, 2016 =

* Fixed: Vendor can't access to admin area if GeoDirectory plugin is activated
* Fixed: PrettyPhoto js library doesn't exists
* Fixed: Vendor Shop Owner removed after saving vendor data
* Removed: YITH WooCommerce Mailchimp and Jetpack Dashboard widgets

= 1.9.3 - Released: Feb 08, 2016 =

* Fixed: Vendor Shop Owner removed after saving vendor details
* Fixed: Spinner doesn't show in admin

= 1.9.2 - Released: Feb 05, 2016 =

* Fixed: Unable to translate vendor registration form placeholder
* Fixed: Order actions doesn't work for vendor
* Fixed: Admin can't remove vendor owner

= 1.9.1 - Released: Feb 03, 2016 =

* Fixed: Vendor Can't set owner
* Fixed: Warning if not vendor owner was set

= 1.9.0 - Released: Feb 02, 2016 =

* Added: Support to WooCommerce 2.5
* Updated: 3rd-party FontAwesome lib
* Updated: Language files
* Fixed: Missing text domain in some strings in text domain
* Fixed: Duplicate order if the customer pay with external gateway (like PayPal, Stripe, Simplify, ecc.)
* Fixed: Admin can't set vendor owner/admins if Yoast SEO plugin is activate on website
* Fixed: Warning in WooCommerce Email page (in admin)
* Fixed: Call to undefined function get_current_screen() in admin
* Tweak: Replaced old chosen script to select2
* Removed: add_select_customer_script() method from admin class
* Removed: enqueue_ajax_choosen() method from admin class
* Removed: vendor_admins_chosen() method from admin class

= 1.8.3 - Released: Jan 12, 2016 =

* Fixed: Product variations in order with latest WooCommerce

= 1.8.2 - Released: Jan 07, 2016 =

* Fixed: Vendor table column style
* Fixed: Vendor with no order can see all shop orders
* Fixed: yith_vendors not defined in vendor taxonomy page

= 1.8.1 - Released: Dec 17, 2015  =

* Fixed: Vendor lost translated product if edit by website admin
* Fixed: Can't create vendor sidebar in YITH Thmemes with WordPress 4.4
* Fixed: WooCommerce Report can't show correct information

= 1.8.0 - Released: Dec 11, 2015  =

* Added: Support to WordPress 4.4
* Tweak: Flush rewrite rules to prevent 404 not found page after plugin update in vendor store page
* Tweak: Vendor taxonomy menu management
* Fixed: Vendor can't see admin dashboard and vendor rules after plugin update
* Fixed: Undefined suborder_id when add inline item to parent order
* Fixed: Admin and Vendor can't view trashed orders
* Fixed: Issue with YITH WooCommerce Gift Card in checkout page
* Fixed: Lost products after edit vendor slug
* Fixed: New vendor without user role
* Fixed: WPML issue vendor can edit her/his products in other languages

= 1.7.1 - Released: Nov 19, 2015 =

* Tweak: Performance increase use php construct instanceof instead of is_a function
* Tweak: Order management (added order version in DB)
* Fixed: Vendor can't add or upload a store image
* Fixed: Can't see product variation in vendor order details
* Fixed: Website admin can't assigne products to a specific vendor

= 1.7.0 - Released: Nov 02, 2015 =

* Added: New user role "Vendor" (Dashboard->Users)
* Added: yit_wcmv_plugin_options_capability hook for admin panel capabilities
* Tweak: User capabilities
* Tweak: Performance improved with new plugin core 2.0
* Fixed: Delete user capabilities after deactive or remove plugin
* Fixed: Fields "Commission id" in commission table doesn't display correctly
* Fixed: Wrong user capabilities after delete vendor account
* Fixed: Add order link in dashboard menu
* Fixed: Order managemet capabilities
* Fixed: Order "Add New" button issue

= 1.6.3 - Released: Oct 16, 2015  =

* Fixed: Fatal error: Class 'YITH_Woocommerce_Vendors_Widget' not found

= 1.6.2 - Released: Oct 15, 2015 =

* Tweak: Support to YITH Nielsen theme
* Tweak: Custom post type capabilities
* Updated: Language pot file
* Fixed: Option deps doesn't work
* Fixed: Can't translate string localized by esc_attr__ and esc_attr_e function

= 1.6.1 - Released: Oct 08, 2015 =

* Updated: Language pot file
* Fixed: Order email issue
* Removed: Old Product -> Vendors admin menu link

= 1.6.0 - Released: Sept 29, 2015 =

* Added: Order Management
* Added: Support to WordPress 4.3
* Added: YITH Essential Kit for WooCommerce #1 support
* Added: Dashboard notification for products needs to approve
* Updated: Italian translation
* Updated: pot language file
* Tweak: Commission rate column in commission table
* Tweak: Support to WooCommerce 2.4
* Tweak: WooCommerce option panel with the latest WC Version
* Tweak: Javascript code optimization
* Tweak: Commissions list order by descending commission ids
* Fixed: Wrong search in Add/Edit product for Grouped product
* Fixed: Remove "Add new" post types menu from wp-admin bar
* Fixed: Warning "cart item key not found" on checkout page
* Fixed: Auto sync commission and order status
* Fixed: Vendor description tab translation issue with qTranslateX plugin

= 1.5.2 - Released: Sept 03, 2015 =

* Fixed: Unable to login in vendor dashboard using particular themes

= 1.5.1 - Released: Aug 12, 2015 =

* Added: Support to WooCommerce 2.4
* Tweak: Plugin Core Framework
* Fixed: Vendor doesn't see product page when product listing is enabled

= 1.5.0 - Released: Aug 04, 2015 =

* Added: YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Support
* Added: Italian language file
* Added: WPML Support
* Updated: pot language file
* Fixed: Variations don't show in order commission details page
* Fixed: Prevent double instance in singleton class

= 1.4.4 - Released: July 07, 2015 =

* Updated: pot language file
* Fixed: Fatal error in the commision page for deleted orders

= 1.4.3 - Released: Jun 18, 2015 =

* Fixed: Plugin does not recognize the languages file

= 1.4.0 - Released: May 21, 2015 =

* Added: Support to WooCommerce 2.3.9
* Updated: Plugin default language file
* Fixed: Store header image on Firefox and Safari
* Fixed: Wrong commission link in order page

= 1.3.0 - Released: May 15, 2015 =

* Updated: Plugin default language file
* Fixed: Changed "Product Vendors" label  to "Vendor" in product list table
* Fixed: Unable to rewrite frontend css on child theme
* Fixed: Widget Vendor list: option "Hide this widget on vendor page" doesn't work
* Removed: Old sidebar template
* Removed: Old default.po file

= 1.2.0 - Released: May 05, 2015 =

* Tweak: Admin options management
* Updated: default.po file
* Fixed: 404 error on wp_enqueue_style
* Fixed: Options for Vendors list widget doesn't work

= 1.1.1 - Released: Apr 27, 2015 =

* Fixed: Media link disappear

= 1.1.0 - Released: Apr 23, 2015 =

* Added: Support to WordPress 4.2
* Tweak: safe url on add_query_args() and remove_query_args()
* Fixed: wc_get_template was called incorrectly in add product
* Fixed: email template doesn't exists

= 1.0.2 - Released: Apr 21, 2015 =

* Added: Support to WooCommerce 2.3.8
* Added: yith_wc_product_vendors_details_menu_items filter
* Tweak: Vendors management
* Tweak: Commissions management
* Tweak: Template management
* Updated: Database version
* Fixed: Issue on edit/create vendor
* Removed: Old global template for vendor name
* Removed: YITH Vendors Backend class

= 1.0.1 - Released: Mar 26, 2015 =

* Fixed: Wrong commission rate on vendor admin page

= 1.0.0 - Released: Mar 25, 2015 =

* Initial release

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.6.0 =

* Order management for vendors

= 1.4.3 =

* Fixed translation issue.

= 1.4.0 =

* Added coupon and review management.

= 1.3.0 =

* Fixed minor bugs

= 1.2.0 =

* New admin options management

= 1.1.1 =

* Restore the media link gallery on wp dashboard.

= 1.1.0 =

* Fixed the WordPress vulnerability on add_query_arg() and remove_query_arg() functions

= 1.0.0 =

* Initial release