Medical Image Segmentation

This repository contains the code and model weights of the papers A CNN-based approach for joint segmentation and quantification of nuclei and NORs in AgNOR-stained images and Automatic Segmentation and Classification of Papanicolaou-stained Cells.



  • Anaconda
  • CUDA 11.2
  • CUDNN 8.2


  1. Install Anaconda.
  2. Execute the following commands:
git clone
cd medical-image-segmentation
conda env create -n mis --file environment.yml
conda activate mis


python --help

usage: [-h] [--encoder ENCODER] [--decoder DECODER] [--dataset DATASET] [--loss LOSS] [--lr LR] [--lr-factor LR_FACTOR] [--classes CLASSES] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--patience PATIENCE] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE]
                      [--steps STEPS] [--height HEIGHT] [--width WIDTH] [--augmentation {true,false}] [--rgb] [--encoder-freeze] [--save-all] [--gpu GPU] [--name NAME] [--description DESCRIPTION] [--seed SEED] [--resume RESUME]
                      [--resume-epoch RESUME_EPOCH]

Train a segmentation model.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --encoder ENCODER     The feature extractor of the model.
  --decoder DECODER     The decoder of the model.
  --dataset DATASET     Path to a directory containing 'train', 'validation' and 'test' as sub-directories, each containing an 'images' and 'masks' sub-directories.
  --loss LOSS           Loss function to use during training.
  --lr LR               Learning rate.
  --lr-factor LR_FACTOR
                        Factor to reduce the learning rate when training is stale.
  --classes CLASSES     Number of output dimensions.
  --epochs EPOCHS
  --patience PATIENCE   Number of epochs to wait before reducing the learning rate.
  --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
  --steps STEPS
  --height HEIGHT
  --width WIDTH
  --augmentation {true,false}
                        Enable or disable augmentation in the training set. Defaults to False.
  --rgb                 Whether the input images are RGB.
  --encoder-freeze      Whether or not to freeze the encoder weights.
  --save-all            Whether or no to save all weights. If `True` saves weights after each epoch, if `False`, saves only if better than the previous epoch.
  --gpu GPU             What GPU to use for training. For multi-GPU, pass GPU numbers separated with commas (e.g., `0,1`). For using CPU, pass `-1`.
  --name NAME           Name of the model.
  --description DESCRIPTION
  --seed SEED
  --resume RESUME       Path to the model to be loaded and trained.
  --resume-epoch RESUME_EPOCH
                        The last epoch the model trained.


Training a model:

python --encoder resnet18 --decoder U-Net --dataset path/to/dataset --loss dice --classes 3 --epochs 3 --batch-size 16 --steps 40 --height 1920 --width 2560 --save-all --name MySegmentationModel --description "Segmentation model"

Note: The training script expects the dataset directory to contain the following structure:

├─ train/
│  ├─ images/
│  ├─ masks/
├─ validation/
│  ├─ images/
│  ├─ masks/
├─ test/
│  ├─ images/
│  ├─ masks/

Predicting with a trained model:

python --model path/to/model.h5 -i path/to/images -o output/path --input-shape 1920x2560x3

Pre-trained models and sample images

A CNN-based approach for joint segmentation and quantification of nuclei and NORs in AgNOR-stained images

You can download pre-trained models (and a few image samples too) for AgNOR slide-image segmentation from here:

Rank Model file
1 AgNOR_DenseNet-169_LinkNet_1920x2560x3.h5**
2 AgNOR_DenseNet-169_FPN_1920x2560x3.h5
3 AgNOR_ResNet-34_U-Net_1920x2560x3.h5

You can download the AgECOM dataset used in the paper from here.

** This is the preferred model because it obtained the best performance (Dice score) in the AgECOM dataset.

Automatic Segmentation and Classification of Papanicolaou-stained Cells

You can download the pre-trained model (and a few image samples too) for Papanicolaou-stained cell segmentation from here:

You can download the UFRGS Pap-OMD dataset used in the paper from here.