
API to list Breweries names

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is an API made using FastAPI. This api has the following features:

Create authorization token
Return a received passed payload.
Return a list of Breweries.

Install Requirements

'pip install -r requirements.txt'

Setting Users Database

We need to know who is a valid user of the API or not, the modules authorization and authentication takes charge of this verification, hence we need to set up a database to consult the user's credentials when necessary

Run the script_create_api_users, and a sql_app.db file will be created on the root folder, the database content will be something like:

id email hashed_password is_active
1 fake_email0@gmail.com $2b$12$jhCVlgWbi.IutE6sGCdEruFcbN1rWSRRbIB251Y6D8itUncinWLzG 1
2 fake_email1@gmail.com $2b$12$3BEm9YskktFgvOUCLwT2..yQ0E6MD.16jfO9ZxBti.UrWNgRdXrEy 1
3 fake_email2@gmail.com $2b$12$KigUNoxtKS2.uq7RIU09J..AlBYoktvnVoQXTmGPDEDigL7qAz1kG 1
4 fake_email3@gmail.com $2b$12$6LllFe7cqcxVVZafHLnB2uWytC8es8mS.TNaav1901RYp0oI7j/Lu 1

Setting Environment variables

The security module is responsible for encoding, and decoding the JWT. To perform these tasks, it needs a secret key, algorithm, and a token lifetime, all are sensitive information, in order to store these variables, it uses pydantic settings and .env files.

The config file defines a class AuthorizationSettings, which when instantiated it searches in the file .env for the environment variables.


class AuthorizationSettings(BaseSettings):
    secret_key: str
    algorithm: str
    lifetime: int = 60

    class Config:
        env_file = ".env"
        env_file_encoding = "utf-8"

Create a file .env with the following content: a key, a hash algorithm and the desirable token lifetime.



As example, you can use the following command to generate the SECRET_KEY:

> openssl rand -hex 32

Start the API

To start the BoralAPI:

> uvicorn main:app --reload

The Swagger UI for the applications will be available on: 

Test the API

On the Swagger UI click on the green button Authorize on the upper right side of the page, type one of the credentials used in the Setting Users Database step:

username: fake_email0@gmail.com
password: pass0

Client credentials location: Authorization Header


, then click on the Authorize button. It will automatically request an authorization token and insert it in every request made by the Swagger UI.

Try Out

Open the Swagger UI for the Boreal API, there is the following functions:

GET - Root
POST - Request Token
POST - Pass User
GET - Get Breweries

GET - Root

Will just return a message if the server if running

POST - Request Token

Will return a new JWT for the API user. You must pass an username, and password the request the token, to test purposes use:

username - fake_email0@gmail.com
password - pass0

POST - Pass User

Receives a payload and return the same payload, a token must be passed.

GET - Get Breweries

Sends a GET request to the BreweriesAPI, and read the list of breweries and return their names. A token must be passed.