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herbs2prisma creates repositories to retrieve and store Entities using Prisma.


    $ npm install @maikmb/herbs2prisma


Initialize prisma

    $ npx prisma db init

Edit schema.prisma with your model and generate your client

    $ npx prisma generate

Update your database with your data model

    $ npx prisma db push

After edit your model, you can navigate beetwen data model

    $ npx prisma studio

Configure your connection client with Prisma Client

connection.js - Connection:

const { PrismaClient } = require('@prisma/client')

module.exports = new PrismaClient({
    // log: ['query', 'info'],

Configure your .env with your connection string

.env - Environment Variables:



const { Repository } = require('@herbsjs/herbs2prisma')
const connection = require('connection')
const { Item } = require('../domain/entities/item')

class ItemRepository extends Repository {
    constructor() {
            entity: Item,
            table: 'aTable',
            ids: ['id'],
            prisma: connection

    excludedItemFromLastWeek() {


const repo = new ItemRepository()
const ret = await repo.findByID(1)

What is a Repository?

A repository, by definition, is part of the layer to retrieve and store entities abstracting the underlying implementation. By using repositories, details of these implementation such as relational database, document-oriented databases, etc, should not leak to the domain code. In other words, no raw SQL queries on your use case or entity files.

Herbs2prisma Repository

In order to boost productivity Herbs2prisma provides way to dynamically generate a repository class based on your Entities and other metadata.

These metadata are necessary to close the gap between OOP concepts and paradigms and those of relational databases. For example, it is necessary to specify primary keys and foreign keys as these information do not exist in the description of your domain.

Following Herbs architecture principals it is not the intention of this lib to create yet another ORM or query builder but to create a bridge between your domain and an existing one (Prisma).

Why Prisma?

Herbs2prisma is just one of many bridges possible between Herbs and other packages.

The advantage of using Prisma is that is a simple and flexible SQL query builder. It also supports Postgres, MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite3, Oracle, and Amazon Redshift. So you can build your system using these databases out of the box.

Repository setup

const { Repository } = require('@herbsjs/herbs2prisma')
const connection = require('connection')  // Prisma initialize instance
const { ProductItem } = require('../domain/entities/productItem')

class YourRepository extends Repository {
    constructor() {
            entity: ProductItem,
            schema: 'main',
            table: 'product_items',
            ids: ['id'],
            foreignKeys: [{ customerId: String }],
            prisma: connection
  • entity - The Entity to be used as reference

    entity: ProductItem
  • schema - The schema to be used

    schema: 'production'
  • table - The name of the table in database

    table: 'product_items'
  • ids - Primary keys

    Format: ['fieldName', 'fieldName', ...]

    There must be corresponding fields in the entity.

    ids: ['id']  // productItem.id

    or for composite primary key:

    ids: [`customerId`, `productId`]  // productItem.customerId , productItem.productId
  • foreignKeys (optional) - Foreign keys for the database table

    Usually there is no corresponding fields declared in the entity for foreign keys. That is the reason it is necessary to inform the name and the type of the fields.

    Format: [{ fieldName: Type }, { fieldName: Type }, ...]

    foreignKeys: [{ customerId: String }]

    The field names will converted to a database names using conventions. Ex: customer_id

  • prisma - Prisma initialize instance

    Check Prisma documentation

Retrieving and Persisting Data


Find entities matched by the filter, or empty array [] if there is no matching entity.

Format: .find(options) where options is a optional object containing { limit, offset, orderBy, where }

Return: Entity array

const repo = new ItemRepository(injection)
const ret = await repo.find()


  • limit Adds a limit clause to the query.
const repo = new ItemRepository(injection)
const ret = await repo.find({ limit: 10 })
  • offset Adds an offset clause to the query.
const repo = new ItemRepository(injection)
const ret = await repo.find({ offset: 5 })
  • orderBy Adds an order by clause to the query. Column can be string, or list mixed with string and object.
// order by collum
const repo = new ItemRepository(injection)
const ret = await repo.find({ orderBy: 'description'})

// order by complex query
const repo = new ItemRepository(injection)
const ret = await repo.find({ orderBy: [{ column: 'nome', order: 'desc' }, 'email'] })
  • where Adds a filter to the query with given values.
const repo = new ItemRepository(injection)
const ret = await repo.find({ where: { name: ["Anne"] } })


Find entities by IDs

Format: .findByID(id) where id is a value or an array.

Return: Entity array

const repo = new ItemRepository(injection)
const ret = await repo.findByID(10)


Finds the first entity matched by the filter, or empty array [] if there is no matching entity.

Format: .first(options) where options is a optional object containing { orderBy, where }

Return: Entity

const repo = new ItemRepository(injection)
const ret = await repo.first({ orderBy: 'description'})


Insert an Entity into a table.

Format: .insert(entity) where entity is a Entity instance with values to be persisted.

Return: The inserted entity with the values from database.

const repo = new ItemRepository(injection)
const ret = await repo.insert(aNewEntity)


Update an Entity.

Format: .update(entity) where entity is a Entity instance with values to be persisted.

Return: The updated entity with the values from database.

const repo = new ItemRepository(injection)
const ret = await repo.update(aModifiedEntity)


Delete an Entity.

Format: .delete(entity) where entity is a Entity instance to be deleted.

Return: true for success or false for error

const repo = new ItemRepository(injection)
const ret = await repo.delete(entity)


Default implementation


Code: Camel Case - ex: productName

Database: Snake Case - ex: product_name

Custom Convention

You can use the custom convention to configure the way herbs2prisma creates your queries to read fields from your database. When using this option, the ids property must respect the format convention.

const toCamelCase = value => camelCase(value)

const userRepository = new UserRepository({
    entity: User,
    ids: ['id'],
    prisma: connection,
    convention: {
        toTableFieldName: field => toCamelCase(field)

Object-Oriented versus Relational models - Relationships

An entity can define a reference for others entities but will not (and should not) define a foreign key. For instance:

+------------------+         +------------------+         +------------------+
|      Orders      |         |    OrderItems    |         |     Products     |
+------------------+         +------------------+         +------------------+
| id: int          |----\    | id: int          |       --| id: int          |
| customer_id: int |     ----| order_id: int    |  ----/  | name: string     |
+------------------+         | product_id: int  |-/       +------------------+
const Product = entity('Product', {
    id: field(Number),
    name: field(String),

const OrderItem = entity('Order Items', {
    id: field(Number),
    product: field(Product),    // optional

const Order = entity('Order', {
    id: field(Number),
    item: field([OrderItem]),     // optional

More about: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object%E2%80%93relational_impedance_mismatch



  • Be able to generate prisma scheme automatically
  • Be able to get table name automatically
  • Be able to use custom table name
  • Allow only scalar types for queries (don't allow entity / object types)
  • Allow to ommit schema's name
  • Use findFirst for first method of base repository
  • Be able to change the conventions (injection)
  • Exclude / ignore fields on a sql statement
  • Awareness of created/updated at/by fields
  • Plug-and-play prisma
  • Easy access prisma structure

Retrieving and Persist:

  • insert
    • batchs
  • update
    • batchs
  • delete
  • persist (upsert)
  • find (ID)
    • deal with entities / tables with multiples IDs
  • find by (any field)
    • deal with entities / tables with multiples IDs
    • order by
  • find All
    • order by
  • find with pages
  • first
  • last


  • Pure JS
  • Postgress
  • Sql Server
  • MySQL


You can see a demo application here.


Come with us to make an awesome herbs2prisma.

Now, if you do not have technical knowledge and also have intend to help us, do not feel shy, click here to open an issue and collaborate their ideas, the contribution may be a criticism or a compliment (why not?)

If you would like to help contribute to this repository, please see CONTRIBUTING


herbs2prisma is released under the MIT license.