Amrs slack srever is a node project using hapi and consumed by etl rest server. It is used to interract with slack channels to post and retrieve messages. To setup the project run

$ git clone

$ cd amrs-slackfeedback-server

$ npm install

$ mkdir conf && cd conf

Create a config.json file

$ cat config.json

With the following content

{ "slack": { "clientID": "", "secret": "", "bottoken": "", "groupid": "", "groupname": "", "channelID": "", "channelname": ""

		"host":"The IP or hostname of the server running arms-slack-server",


node app.js or nodemon app.js to run the server in watch mode

Now visit https://:5000 You should see the welcome message

Welcome to Amrs Slack Server

The following descriptions shows how to interract with the server after running it.

=>To post messages to POC user feedback channel s message format {

    "name": "",
    "location": "",
    "phone": "",
    "message": ""

URL: http://localhost:5000/posttopoc

=>To retrieve messages from POC user feedback channel use the following url and specify these path parameters.

  URL: http://localhost:5000/pocfeedback/{count}/{oldest-timestamp}

=>To post messages to a particular public slack channel

message   format

    "name": "",
    "location": "",
    "phone": "",
    "message": "",

URL: http://localhost:5000/posttochannel

=>To post messages to a particular private slack channel

message   format

    "name": "",
    "location": "",
    "phone": "",
    "message": "",

URL: http://localhost:5000/posttogroup

=>To retrieve messages from a particular public slack channel URL:http://localhost:5000/channel-slackmessages/{channel-name}/{count}/{oldest-timestamp}

=>To retrieve messages from a particular private slack channel URL:http://localhost:5000/group-slackmessages/{group-name}/{count}/{oldest-timestamp}