
My reusable GitHub workflows: Auto-release of TYPO3 extensions, notifications, testing,..

Primary LanguageShell

Github Action Collection

This repository contains reusable github actions for notification, build and testing.

Microsoft Teams Notifications

Available events:

  • New issue
  • New issue comment
  • Closed issue
  • New star
  • New pull request
  • New release
Input Type Required Description
teams-webhook-url secret true Microsoft Teams webhook URL

To trigger all notifications from your repository, simply add the following .github/workflows/notifications.yml to your project and add configure the TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL secret in your project settings:

name: Send notifications

on: [release, issues, issue_comment, watch, pull_request_target]

    uses: maikschneider/reusable-workflows/.github/workflows/notifications.yml@main
      teams-webhook-url: ${{ secrets.TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL }}

TYPO3 extension release

The release action compares the extension version in the ext_emconf.php with the latest release tag and possibly triggers a release.

Release steps:

1. Install and build node (optional)
2. Clean up
3. Create & merge pull request
4. Tag and publish release
5. Notification via Teams (optional)
Input Type Required Description
base-branch input yes Name of the branch the action will create and merge a pull request
teams-webhook-url secret false Microsoft Teams webhook for notification after successful release
build-assets input false Whether to install and build node assets

Example usage with all inputs:

name: Build and release TYPO3 extension

on: [ push ]

    if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/development'
    uses: maikschneider/reusable-workflows/.github/workflows/release-typo3-extension.yml@main
      teams-webhook-url: ${{ secrets.TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL }}
      base-branch: master
      build-assets: true