
an r test package implementing the oaxaca-blinder decomposition for survey objects, that is, taking sample weights into consideration by means of svyglm

Primary LanguageR

@author: Miguel Garcia-Duch 18-10-2023

Package OaxacaSurvey 0.1

an r test package implementing the oaxaca-blinder decomposition for survey objects, that is, taking sample weights into consideration by means of svyglm superset of standard glm implemented in package Survey.

Installation and usage

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#' @param formula An object of class formula: the model formula. #' @param data A data frame: containing the variables in the formula, group, and weights. #' @param group A character string: the name of the binary group variable in the data. 1 for the first group, and 0 for the second group. #' @param weights A character string: the name of the weights variable in the data. #' @param R An integer: the number of bootstrap replicates. Default is 1000. #' @param conf.level A float less than 1: Confidence level for estimated CI. #' @param method String: one between "normal" (default) or "logit" for logistic models The only implemented method to perform the decomposition is oaxaca_blinder_svy. It performs Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition for 2 groups of controls from a survey with sampling weigths. The function uses the following parameters:

  • @param formula An object of class formula: the model formula.
  • @param data A data frame: containing the variables in the formula, group, and weights.
  • @param group A character string: the name of the binary group variable in the data. 1 for the first group, and 0 for the second group.
  • @param weights A character string: the name of the weights variable in the data.
  • @param R An integer: the number of bootstrap replicates. Default is 1000.
  • @param conf.level A float less than 1: Confidence level for estimated CI.
  • @param method String: one between "normal" (default) or "logit" for logistic models.

A working example can be run pointing to the following project path:


Underlying logic

Let's assume we have a linear model of the general form:

$$ {Y} = \hat\beta_{0} + \hat\beta_{1} {X} + u $$

Where two distinct groups, let say 1 & 2, sharing certain characteristics, could be subsampled and estimated individually in the form of:

$$ Y_1 = \hat\beta_{01} + \hat\beta_{1} {X}_1 + u $$

$$ Y_2 = \hat\beta_{02} + \hat\beta_{1} {X}_2 + u $$

After this first step estimation and assuming the mean difference on the endogenous variable for the groups is by definition:

$$ \Delta \bar{Y} = \bar{Y}_1 - \bar{Y}_2 $$

We then could rearrange both models together to build the so called Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition. The Decomposition computed is the so-called "triple" (even "quadruple" if we also consider the "Unexplained" remainder):

$$ \Delta Y = U + E + C + I \ $$


  • $\Delta Y$ is the mean difference in the outcome variable between the two groups.
  • $U$ is the unexplained remainder (difference of model intercepts, usually omitted).
  • $E$ represents the endowments effect.
  • $C$ represents the coefficients effect.
  • $I$ represents the interaction effect.

The difference in mean outcomes between the two groups can be expressed as:

$$ \Delta \bar{Y} = (\hat\beta_{01} - \hat\beta_{02}) + (\bar{X}_1 - \bar{X}_2) \hat{\beta}_2 + \bar{X}_2 (\hat{\beta}_1 - \hat{\beta}_2) + (\bar{X}_1 - \bar{X}_2) (\hat{\beta}_1 - \hat{\beta}_2) $$


  • $\Delta \bar{Y}$ is the difference in mean outcomes between group 1 and group 2.
  • $\hat\beta_{01}$ and $\hat\beta_{02}$ are the estimated intercepts for group 1 and group 2, respectively.
  • $\bar{X}_1$ and $\bar{X}_2$ are the mean values of the covariates for group 1 and group 2, respectively.
  • $\hat{\beta}_1$ and $\hat{\beta}_2$ are the estimated coefficients for group 1 and group 2, respectively.

The three terms on the right side represent the contributions from differences in unexplained (U), endowments (E), coefficients (C), and interaction effects (I).

Pending implementations

last rev: 20/10/2023