When running the program the following can be expected:
- You will be prompted to select the type of program you want to create by entering its numerical value from a displayed list of all available program types.
(Be aware that the person in the program demo (Main) has Strength as preferred program type. If you select any other type than strength (4) when creating a program at the beginning, the program which you create won't be assigned to the person.) - A new program is created.
- Exercises are created.
- Exercises are added to the newly created program.
- A person is created.
- The person is added to a list of persons.
- A method checks if a program is recommendable for the given person.
- A program from the list of programs is recommended to a specific person from the list of persons.
PPTS is a system for managing exercises for a home workout program. The system manages different exercises of different types. Each exercise has a level of intensity. There are several types of exercises: Strength, Endurance, Flexibility and Balance.
To use this or try this project out you download the zipped folder, and open up itp2020exam folder in your preferred IDE, IntelliJ recommended. You need to have JDK installed (version 13 or higher) and use a IDE to run the program (preferred IDE to use is IntelliJ from JetBrains).
There will be absolutely no support or be any kind of a issue tracker for this project because this project was a part of an exam in the course called ITP2200.
Since this project was a part of an exam in the course called “Introduksjon til programvare testing” also known as ITP2200 there will unfortunately not be any scheduled updates to this project, and this project will no longer be worked on as of now.
Since this project was part of an exam we are not looking for contributions at all, but feel free to use/clone the source code and play around.
Major shoutouts to all the dudes and dudettes that worked on this exam, it has been an honour and a blast. You all know who you are, you the real ones!
The project itself is done and completed as it is a part of an exam in the course ITP2200.
ITP2200 = Introduksjon til programvaretesting (Introduction to Software Testing)
JDK = Java Development Kit
IDE = Integrated Development Environment