
Shanghai bootcamp training

Primary LanguageJava

Android Bootcamp Training

26 May 2014

Marius Mailat, <marius.mailat@gmail.com> The New Circle, Inc.

Obtaining Course Materials

You can either clone this Git repository:

git clone git://github.com/mailat/bootcamp-2014-05-26.git


download a Zip archive by clicking the link at the top of the page or using the link:

Homework Day 01

  • Add in Android manifest XML the permission to use the Internet

  • Read about AsyncTask maybe move the logic from postTwitterUpdate into one

Homework Day 02

  • If the user has no credentials, display a Toast mesaage and redirect the user to the PefsActivty

  • Add in the "activity_status.xml" a background image for the activity background ( use this image http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608004293658150413&pid=1.7 or other PNG background )

  • Style be button in the "activity_status.xml" to have round corners (use no image, just a layout)

Homework Day 03

  • detect the receiving of an SMS with an BroadcastReceiver and log the content in this SMS

Homework Day 04

Homework Day 05