Straight-forward examples of working with v3 the MailChimp API without any wrapper libraries
- 1
add tags to list member
#52 opened by JoopStringer - 5
400 Bad Request deleting Cart lines
#48 opened by mrogers-5s - 0
HTTP Code 409 for existing email, not 400
#36 opened by nickdnk - 0
- 15
Error 401 (Unauthorized) when sending a request for adding a new list member
#41 opened by SilencerWeb - 0
Is there a way to remove a Tag from mailchimp
#51 opened by joaojoyce - 3
- 0
HttpCode 400 when upserting a member
#49 opened by stashix - 3
- 0
- 0
- 0
A foreign character é causes statusCode 400
#45 opened by gezichenshan - 1
Campaign API not returning all campaigns
#44 opened by shierro - 1
Issue in search campaign api
#43 opened by Hariharanbg - 0
Your Campaign is not ready to send
#40 opened by rajasajidmanzoor - 1
404 ?
#38 opened by sebastian3333 - 2
Python lacks POST request example
#21 opened by Hendler - 1
MailChimp AOI 3.0 wrapper
#34 opened by AbdulWahabWarind - 9
- 0
Please merge the PHP example code
#33 opened by scottcwilson - 1
- 5
NodeJS examples
#23 opened by tmaslen - 2
Can I get my account's all mailchimp campaign's details hitting the api only one time instead of hitting the api for each of the campaign ? if yes, how ? only using mailchimp api v3.0
#30 opened by jeetm - 5
API v3 Python Client?
#29 opened by ye - 2
Subscribes to MailChimp API v3 fail with 500 error in specific cases (malformatted email, blacklisted domain,...)
#28 opened by bsjut - 5
Node.JS wrapper update
#15 opened by cabbiepete - 2
- 1
- 7
#14 opened by TheCosmonaut - 1
.NET Updating Member
#24 opened by MorneJooste - 1
ID is not matching MD5 email
#22 opened by mattlo - 13
#13 opened by b-carmichael - 1
- 3
#19 opened by andyb82 - 0
Java examples using HttpsURLConnection
#18 opened by gaz90 - 1
Email Update - PATCH
#17 opened by rwarr - 1
Rename to python examples
#10 opened by fulldecent - 2
API Key Missing Error
#8 opened by nrakochy - 1
NodeJS / express examples
#9 opened by zebapy - 1
automations unexcepted respond
#7 opened by lumy - 2
Possible to add members to list in bulk?
#6 opened by chrisjhoughton - 3
Create list doesn't work
#5 opened by Shetza - 1
Examples for other languages?
#4 opened by deezone - 1
python wrapper for APIv3.0?
#3 opened by sxbo672158 - 1
C# Example
#1 opened by innoist