This is an example project using Middleman and pulling in our Style Guide as a submodule.
Requires Ruby 2.2.5 and Bundler
Clone the repo:
git clone
cd middleman-with-md-submodule-example
Install dependencies:
bundle install
Initialize the submodule:
git submodule init
Update the submodule:
git submodule update
Run it:
bundle exec middleman server
View it at http://localhost:4567/
Fork your own version of our Style Guide. You'll need to change out the submodule with your forked version.
First, remove the old Style Guide:
git submodule deinit content-style-guide
git rm content-style-guide
Then go to your fork of the Style Guide on GitHub, click on the Clone or download
button, copy the Clone with SSH
url, and paste it in this line:
git submodule add {paste your submodule GitHub repo url}
git submodule init
As you make changes to your copy of the Style Guide submodule, you'll need to resync it with:
git submodule update