- 1
- 0
Unable to send with BCC only
#924 opened by gjcourtney - 0
how can i get track id via php smtp sent?
#922 opened by tarople - 2
Feature Request: Add dkim_host_name and dkim_selector options to domains()->create() method
#907 opened by creamailer-ape - 1
Batch Message: where are the message IDs? I got only one
#919 opened by boussou - 2
PHPDoc Type issue in Mailgun\Api\MailingList\Member
#873 opened by gam04 - 2
Webhook IndexResponse missing "accepted"?
#915 opened by njt1982 - 1
- 1
php mailgun not work with php version 8.3
#910 opened by citadelind2 - 1
Endpoint not correct for Tag > stats()
#899 opened by achilleus68 - 0
Get message from EU server?
#902 opened by stephanvierkant - 0
How to mock Mailgun?
#900 opened by cheesegrits - 10
- 1
Returned data with send?
#892 opened by andrebruton - 5
- 0
Clarify effects of using php-http/discovery
#889 opened by igorsantos07 - 2
- 2
Errors after latest update regarding json syntax
#884 opened by cswiers - 1
Error (4) when trying to json_decode response
#885 opened by wintrue - 0
- 1
TypeError: Mailgun\Api\Suppression\Bounce::show()
#878 opened by Quarkay - 0
Get all lists
#877 opened by anckorweb - 3
Oudated symfony/http version
#870 opened by ThomasVeld - 1
Improvement: SDK version headers v2 vs v3
#869 opened by Pilskalns - 3
Call to a member function getId() on string
#838 opened by c1am - 2
- 1
request for event microtime
#861 opened by psad73 - 1
- 6
Getting this error when trying to fetch events like deliver, open, click data
#841 opened by heysushil - 2
member->createMultiple() doesn't work
#855 opened by Shybko - 1
Mailgun - Mailing list sends a message to one of my routes but not delivered
#849 opened by VictorioMolina - 4
Getting Accepted Events / Applying Accepted Event Filter
#840 opened by c1am - 2
Webmozart/path-util is abandoned
#850 opened by mroeling - 2
- 1
Swift Mailer deprecation
#845 opened by srdjanmarjanovic - 4
How to use the HTTP Client for api requests?
#848 opened by cggit - 12
Mailgun's servers are currently unreachable.
#843 opened by mikeytag - 1
- 1
Adding search functionality for domains
#822 opened by talhaamir4130 - 1
- 6
message with the o:tag option: not accepting array value on that case provide Array string
#839 opened by heysushil - 4
Templates API
#832 opened by Radiergummi - 1
DiscoveryFailedException: Could not find resource using any discovery strategy
#835 opened by stccorp - 6
https clic tracking via API
#831 opened by Francois-Francois - 7
PHP 7.4.21
#816 opened by megphillips91 - 1
Uncaught InvalidArgumentException
#823 opened by kirilcvetkov - 3
Bug: On sending bulk email recipient variable issue
#830 opened by furqee - 2
BatchMessage generates "invalid" JSON for recipients with an empty set of recipient-variables
#825 opened by dbaeck - 1
- 0
Bounce Delete Endpoint Does Not Exist Exception
#820 opened by ktam-riab