- 0
Update Message Builder doc
#327 opened by embold-tyler - 9
Abandoned dependency: rest-client abandoned in 2019
#287 opened by jaredbeck - 0
- 2
- 0
Missing docs for Templates
#320 opened by kurtpeniket-ggapps - 0
events abstraction issues
#319 opened by koenhandekyn - 1
Actions are not being saved to the route
#211 opened by isaacmast - 1
Headers are always downcased when using Railgun
#315 opened by jacksongross - 2
- 1
#299 opened by mzaragoza - 1
- 3
- 3
- 5
TypeError (no implicit conversion of nil into String)
#278 opened by canan8 - 2
Response object can be nil
#289 opened by tiagocasanovapt - 1
mailgun-ruby 1.2.9 not on rubygems
#288 opened by debreczeni - 2
Update Domain Endpoint
#185 opened by scottrobertson - 1
- 1
Primitive types are serialized twice to JSON
#282 opened by h4nz2 - 2
Error api_host after update to 1.2.7
#275 opened by aludkov - 2
- 6
Using mailgun templates and passing variables?
#244 opened by conorbr - 4
- 1
Use config block in Mailgun::Client
#253 opened by usern3 - 1
- 2
- 1
TypeError: no implicit conversion of nil into String
#256 opened by proton - 1
Check for ActionMailer instead of Rails
#254 opened by joeosburn - 2
Multipart messages through ActionView
#249 opened by thed000d - 9
cannot use europe region
#179 opened by alphamarket - 1
- 1
Not working with latest version of mailgun-ruby gem
#182 opened by dewey - 1
Using mailgun templates and passing variables?
#243 opened by conorbr - 3
- 3
Thread safety issue with rest-client possibly
#208 opened by majksner - 1
Mailgun could have thousands of new customers thanks to Tecnativa module to integrate Odoo with Mailgun
#189 opened by rafaelbn - 3
Rails 6.1 deprecation warning
#215 opened by lubosch - 4
Headers being deleted when sent via Rails
#180 opened by dkam - 3
Mailgun is deleting calendar/ics mime
#203 opened by alexroitman - 4
MIME-Version Header twice in email
#194 opened by mediafinger - 2
Custom variables must be JSON object
#200 opened by miduddin - 1
Inline Attachment with Action Mailer
#199 opened by c2ofh - 4
Release version 1.2.2 to
#198 opened by achadee - 2
- 19
Publish to Rubygems
#193 opened by n-rodriguez - 1
Not working for Rails 5
#196 opened by pawlarius - 2
Mailgun::CommunicationError: key not found: :ciphers
#213 opened by dmc2015 - 1
nil as bcc address raise Mailgun::CommunicationError
#197 opened by c2ofh - 0
No timeout on network errors
#183 opened by cluesque - 2
using an erb template in the message_params
#178 opened by birthdaycorp