
A bridge between Mailio service and the NFT contract on Blockchain

Primary LanguageGo

Mailio NFT Bridge

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Mailio NFT server is a bridge between Mailio server and the NFT contract on Blockchain. It's sole purpose is to answer this question:

  • does the user know the main keywords emphasized in the content?

If the answer to those questions is yes then user is given the requested NFT free of charge.


There is couple of developer accounts needed to run the project. All of the services are free up to certain usage point.

What you need

  • Wallet (Bridge wallets private key, funded with some crypto).
  • Etherscan api key on your target blockchain/sidechain
  • Deployed mailio-nft-contracts
  • Infura account with IPFS and IPFS gateway set up (for uploading your NFTs)

Next thing you'll need is a conf.yaml configuration.



It start with a configuration file.

## conf.yaml

To run the program `conf.yaml` file is required.

version: 1.0
port: 8080
title: "Mailio NFT Server"
description: "Mailio NFT Server"
mode: debug # "debug": or "release"
swagger: true # false disables it
auth_token: # not used
  enabled: false
  header: "authkey"
  token: "abc"

  enabled: true
  secret_key: "abcedf" # create strong key

# datastore specific config
datastore_path: "./data"

# reCaptchaV3
  secret: abcdef
  host: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify

# etherscan config
  mailio_nft_contract_address: "0xabc"
  api_key: abc
  endpoint: "https://api-testnet.polygonscan.com/api" # mainnnet: https://api.polygonscan.com/api

# blockchain specific config
  default_chain_id: 137 # 137 in production
  mailio_nft_proxy: "0xabc" # mailio NFT proxy contract address
  mailio_nft_contract: "0xabc" # mailio NFT contract address
  broker_private_key: "abc" # Broker wallet private key
  endpoint: "https://polygon-mumbai.g.alchemy.com/v2/zM-abc" # Access to blockchain node
  infura_key: "abc" # infura key
  infura_secret: "abc" # infura secret
  infura_ipfs_api_endpoint: "https://ipfs.infura.io:5001" # infura api endpoint
  infura_ipfs_gateway: "https://mailio.infura-ipfs.io" # inufura ipfs gateway
  eip712_typed_data: # building data for EIP-712 signature
    name: "Mailio Knowledge NFTs"
    version: "1.0"
    salt: "0xabc" # domain differentiator (for avoiding the same signature in multiple contracts)

Create admin user

You must create a user when the server is stopped and after you create a conf.yaml file. While server is running creating an admin is not possible.

Run the command:

go run scripts/make_user.go --email test@example.com -password mypass -config conf.yaml


Run development server:

go run setup.go main.go --config conf.yaml


Run swagger on the code to generate update API docs:

swag init
swag fmt

Docs available at: http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html

Main dependencies