
Horizontal timeline component

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A React component to create horizontal timelines

Attention: this dependency requires Material-UI


npm install --save @mailtop/horizontal-timeline


yarn add @mailtop/horizontal-timeline


The following snippet generates the timeline you see in the first screenshot - react-icons required

To make it like the second screenshot set the property variant to "simple", on the Timeline component, and to make it like the third one set it to "small"

import { Timeline, TimelineEvent } from '@mailtop/horizontal-timeline'
import { FaBug, FaRegCalendarCheck, FaRegFileAlt } from 'react-icons/fa'

<Timeline minEvents={5} placeholder>
    title='Em rascunho'
    subtitle='26/03/2019 09:51'
    subtitle='26/03/2019 09:51'
    subtitle='26/03/2019 09:51'
      label: 'Ver detalhes...',
      onClick: () => window.alert('Erro!')



Renders a div with the same width as the parent element and creates a horizontal scrollbar according to the number of events

# variant: defines what type of Timeline will be rendered. The screenshots above shows the default, simple and small respectively. When small or simple are choose, the event title and subtitle are shown on a tooltip and the action, if set, is fired when you click the circle
# height: set the size of the component. Default values, accordingly to variant:
   -small: 95px
   -simple: 135px
   -default: 265px
# minEvents: used to render placeholders for events, if placeholder is set to true, as shown in the screenshots above
# maxEvents: limit the number of events showed on screen
# placeholder: create the placholders when minEvents is defined


Renders events inside the Timeline wrapper. Any number of these can be created*

# color: set the color of the event. Default value: #e0e0e0
# icon: renders the icon that identifies the event
# title: renders the main text below the event; if a string is provided, you can alter it's properties with the prop titleProps OR you can pass an element type - a React component or a HTML component - fully customized
# titleProps: an object containing any of the Typography props from @material-ui
# subtitle: renders the secondary text below the event; if a string is provided, you can alter it's properties with the prop subtitleProps OR you can pass an element type - a React component or a HTML element - fully customized
# subtitleProps: an object containing any of the Typography props from @material-ui
# action: the action may be an element type - a React component or a HTML element - OR an object with these two properties:
   -label: the text inside the button showed below the event
   -onClick: the action fired when the user click the button or the event, if simple or small is set to true in the Timeline component

* if maxEvents is set on the Timeline component, the number of events showed on screen will be limited to that ammount


  1. Clone the repository git clone git@github.com:mailtop/horizontal-timeline.git
  2. Run yarn start
  3. Access http://localhost:3001*

* the example page is located in /examples/src/App.js