
A plugin that generates GraphQL schema from a remote GraphQL service.

Primary LanguageJava

GraphQL Java code generator Plugin

This is a maven plugin that generates TYPE SAFE java code from a remote GraphQL API, so that you can have all the API methods and types in one generated source and easily build and execute query/mutations to the GQL server.

It generates:

  • Types - object models including fields constants
  • InputObjects - graphql input objects schema
  • Queries - functions that takes arguments and output fields to build the GQL query or mutation.

Why this plugin exists?

Let's assume you have a java service that needs to call a remote GQL API to create a user create(user: UserInput!): User. In order to create the user by calling GQL API, you need to know 3 things:

  1. UserInput object schema.
  2. Output Field names to be included in the result
  3. Output object schema - if you want to deserialize HTTP response body in to an User object.
  • This is how this mutation query string would look like:
query: {
   mutation create ($userInput: UserInput!) {
     create(user: $userInput) {

varaibles : {
 "userInput": {
   "email": "tet2.test@test.com",
   "password": "1234", 


  • This is how you can build it with API generated by the plugin:
import static com.maimas.generated.UserServiceGraphQLProvider.*;
Types.UserInput userInput = new Types.UserInput();
        userInput.email = "tet11.test@test.com";
        userInput.password = "1234";

GQLQuery updateQuery = new Mutation().create(
                output -> output


As you noticed, UserServiceGraphQLProvider class, is generated by the plugin and contains all the types UserInput,GQLQuery,UserFragment...that the schema from remote GQL API supports.

GQLQuery is a builder for our GQL mutation, it needs a method that we want to execute, parameters of the method, and output fields that we want to return in the result set.

How to use.


  • Java > 1.8
  • Maven

In your pom.xml under the build>plugins section add codegen plugin:

                            <!--from where to fetch schema conf-->
                            <!--where to store generated code-->


Tag Required Description
url required URL of the server that exposes GraphQL API that we want to generate the schema for.
headers optional Http headers to be added in the http request while fetching the GQL API JSON schema. Useful in specially when the API is secured and an access token needs to be injected in the request headers.
resultClassName optional Name of the class name to be generated, if not provided default value will be used GeneratedGraphqlAPI
resultClassPackage optional Package of the generated class name, if not provided default value will be used com.maimas.graphql.generated
dir optional Directory where to store the generated class, if not provided default value will be used ./generated

Generate API

Execute plugin from your IDE, or run in your terminal following maven command: mvn graphql-codegen:generate

Expect similar output:

[INFO] --- graphql-codegen:1.0-SNAPSHOT:generate (default-cli) @ sr-user-service ---
[INFO] Starting to generate GraphQL API(s) for '1' servers...
[INFO] Server: {"url":"http://localhost:8080/graphql","headers":["jwt:DAAAgadwqcEJTUIU54WFFYUJgsd","Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8"],"la

[INFO] GraphQL API class generated at ./src/test/java/com/maimas/generated

How to use generated API:

  • Note: generated class name is UserServiceGraphQLProvider

Mutation - create user

//Imports from the Generated API
import com.maimas.generated.UserServiceGraphQLProvider.Types.User;
import com.maimas.generated.UserServiceGraphQLProvider.Types.UserInput;
import static com.maimas.generated.UserServiceGraphQLProvider.*;

public class Examples {

    public void queryByUserId() throws JsonProcessingException {
        UserInput userInput = new UserInput();
        userInput.email = "tet11.test@test.com";
        userInput.password = "1234";

        GQLQuery query = new Mutation().create(input -> 
                output -> output

        ResponseEntity<String> response = new RestTemplate()
                .postForEntity("http://localhost:8080/graphql", updateQuery.toString(), String.class);

        // User user = (User) new ObjectMapper().readValue(response.getBody(), updateQuery.getReturnType());
        // updateQuery.getReturnType() - represents the TypeReference of the expected result 
        // that can be used if you want to convert result to and object


Query - get user by id

//Imports from the Generated API
import com.maimas.generated.UserServiceGraphQLProvider.Types.User;
import static com.maimas.generated.UserServiceGraphQLProvider.*;

public class Examples {

    public void queryByUserId() throws JsonProcessingException {

        GQLQuery query = new Query().findById(input -> 
                output -> output

        ResponseEntity<String> response = new RestTemplate()
                .postForEntity("http://localhost:8080/graphql", updateQuery.toString(), String.class);

        // User user = (User) new ObjectMapper().readValue(response.getBody(), updateQuery.getReturnType());
        // updateQuery.getReturnType() - represents the TypeReference of the expected result
        // that can be used if you want to convert result to and object



  • Andrei Maimas