
Primary LanguageC#

Cards API

This is a simple API for managing cards. It's built with .NET Core and uses Entity Framework Core for data access.


  • User registration and authentication
  • CRUD operations for cards
  • Pagination, sorting, and filtering for retrieving cards
  • Role-based authorization


  • POST /auth/register: Register a new user
  • POST /auth/login: Authenticate a user and get a JWT
  • GET /card: Get all cards with optional pagination, sorting, and filtering
  • GET /card/{id}: Get a specific card by ID
  • POST /card: Create a new card
  • PUT /card: Update an existing card
  • DELETE /card/{id}: Delete a card


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run dotnet restore to restore the NuGet packages
  3. Run dotnet ef database update to apply the database migrations
  4. Update your appsettings.json file with your database connection string or environment variable SA_PASSWORD if running with docker
  5. Run dotnet run to start the application
  6. visit https://localhost:5001/swagger to view the API documentation

Seeding the Database

The database is seeded with an admin user and a member user at startup. The credentials for these users are:

  • Admin: admin@example.com / Admin123!
  • Member: member@example.com / Member123!


A Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml file are included for running the application with Docker. To start the application with Docker, run docker-compose up.
