
Inhwa's Warehouse

Primary LanguageVim Script



This is inhwa's vim environment.
It's light, and smart, easy to use.

Getting Started

Step 1. Setting Envrionment

Let's git clone.

$ cd ~
$ git clone https://github.com/mainbong/inhwa_warehouse.git

Now move all files & directories to your home(~/) path. Be careful, If you have an environment for vim and tmux,and bashrc.
You have to merge one by one. Don't move all like below.

$ cd inhwa_warehouse
$ mv * ~/

# let's source bashrc to use files of 'bin' directly.
$ cd ~/
$ source .bashrc

# unzip .vim.tar.gz to .vim
$ tar xvfz .vim.tar.gz

And You have to install vim's bundle at first time.

$ vim
# You would type a command below in vim.
# Okay exit vim.

### Step 2. Setting Datas for Your Project. If you have followed upper step very well, you would have an executable file 'prjfiles' in 'bin' folder.
**prjfiles** is an script to make a list of source codes that you want to analysis. It makes a list of source files to 'cscope.files'.
Let's make a list. ~~~ $ prjfiles src ~~~ Let's make ctags from a list. ~~~ $ ctags -L cscope.files ~~~ Let's make cscope.out file. ~~~ $ cscope -b $ ll drwxrwxr-x 6 inhwa.ma inhwa.ma 4096 12월 6 18:05 ./ drwxrwxr-x 6 inhwa.ma inhwa.ma 4096 12월 5 09:42 ../ -rw-rw-r-- 1 inhwa.ma inhwa.ma 87151 12월 5 10:17 cscope.files -rw-rw-r-- 1 inhwa.ma inhwa.ma 10296014 12월 5 10:17 cscope.out -rw-rw-r-- 1 inhwa.ma inhwa.ma 4 12월 5 10:17 .prjdirs drwxrwxr-x 21 inhwa.ma inhwa.ma 4096 12월 5 09:27 src/ -rw-rw-r-- 1 inhwa.ma inhwa.ma 8904057 12월 5 10:17 tags ~~~ Now You can see 4 files added to analysis.
**cscope.files** for CtrlP vim plugin.
**cscope.out** for cscope.
**tags** for ctags.
**.prjdirs** to record your workdirs.

Remember Short Cuts

File Open ( CtrlP )

  • Press 'Ctrl' + 'p'.
    If you haven't made 'cscope.files', It would gather all of files of here and subdirs. It may takes long time if there is many files.
    • Typing file name, and press 'Enter' then the file would be opened.
    • Press 'ESC' then file list would be closed.
    • Press 'Ctrl' + 'd' then Search contents would be changed from 'File' name search to 'Path'+'File' name search. or vice verse.
    • Press 'Ctrl' + 'r' then Search algorithm would be changed from 'Fuzzy' search algorithm to 'Regex' search algorithm. or vice verse.
    • Press 'Ctrl' + 'f' then List would be changed from 'File list' to 'Opened file list' to 'MRU file list'.

File Explorer ( NERD Tree )

  • Press 'Ctrl' + 'n'.
    • To refresh it, Press 'Shift' + 'r'.


  • Press 'Ctrl' + ']' on a symbol/function that you want to find the tag.


  • Press 'Ctrl' + '' + 'cscope-find command'
    • You can see cscope commands
:cs help
cscope commands:
add  : Add a new database             (Usage: add file|dir [pre-path] [flags])
find : Query for a pattern            (Usage: find c|d|e|f|g|i|s|t name)
       c: Find functions calling this function
       d: Find functions called by this function
       e: Find this egrep pattern
       f: Find this file
       g: Find this definition
       i: Find files #including this file
       s: Find this C symbol
       t: Find this text string
help : Show this message              (Usage: help)
kill : Kill a connection              (Usage: kill #)
reset: Reinit all connections         (Usage: reset)
show : Show connections               (Usage: show)
Press ENTER or type command to continue
  • For example, If you want to find a definition for word. Press 'Ctrl' + '' + 'g'
  • Go next : ']' + 'q'
  • Go prev : '[' + 'q'

Auto Complete ( NeoCompleteCache )

  • Press 'TAB' on the word that you want to complete in 'INSERT' mode.

Doxygen comment ( DoxygenToolkit )

  • Press 'Ctrl' + 'd' on the function that you want to add comments.

Outline ( TagBar )

  • Press 'F9'

Git ( Fugitive )

Fugitive.vim Guide
The result of git blame shows visually.



The master of all commands is


This indents the entire file!
And below are some of the simple and elegant commands used to indent lines quickly in Vim or gVim.
To indent the current line


To indent the all the lines below the current line


To indent n lines below the current line


For example, to indent 4 lines below the current line


To indent a block of code, go to one of the braces and use command


These are the simplest, yet powerful commands to indent multiple lines.

Basic short cuts

Vim Commands Cheet sheet

  • How to Exit

    • :q[uit] : Quit Vim. This fails when changes have been made.
    • :q[uit]! : Quit without writing.
    • :wq : Write the current file and exit.
    • :wq! : Write the current file and exit always.
    • :qa : Exit all panes.
  • Editing a File

    • :e[dit] {file} : Edit {file}.
  • Inserting Text

    • i : Insert text before the cursor [count] times.
  • Deleting Text

    • dd : Delete [count] lines
    • {Visual}x or {Visual}d : Delete the highlighted text
  • Substituting

    • :[range]s[ubstitute]/{pattern}/{string}/[c][e][g][p][r][i][I] [count] : For each line in [range] replace a match of {pattern} with {string}.
  • Copying and Moving Text

    • ["x]yy : Yank [count] lines [into register x]
    • {Visual}["x]y : Yank the highlighted text [into register x]
    • ["x]p : Put the text [from register x] after the cursor [count] times.
    • ["x]P : Put the text [from register x] before the cursor [count] times.
  • Undo/Redo

    • u : Undo [count] changes.
    • CTRL-R : Redo [count] changes which were undone.
  • Moving Around

    • w : [count] words forward
    • b : [count] words backward
  • Marks

    • m{a-zA-Z} : Set mark {a-zA-Z} at cursor position (does not move the cursor, this is not a motion command).
    • '{a-z} : To the first non-blank character on the line with mark {a-z} (linewise).
  • Searching

    • /{pattern}[/] : Search forward for the [count]'th occurrence of {pattern}
    • n : Repeat the latest "/" or "?" [count] times.
    • N : Repeat the latest "/" or "?" [count] times in opposite direction.
  • Divide Screen

    • 'Ctrl' + 'w' : Ready to input a Screen commands. Let's call it {Screen}.
    • {Screen} + 'n' : Divide screen horizontally
    • {Screen} + 'v' : Divide screen vertically
    • {Screen} + UP/DOWN/RIGHT/LEFT : Move screen
    • {Screen} + '=' : Resize all screens to be same size.
  • Explorer Opened files

    • 'Ctrl' + 'o' : Go Prev opened file. 'o' means Go Out.
    • 'Ctrl' + 'i' : Go Next opened file. 'i' means Go In.
  • YCM python definition shortcut

    • '' + 'g' : Go Definition or Declration for python.
  • YCM install Guide