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by Aaron Leese\
Hopefully someone out there will find useful or cool.  I hacked together a quick application that plays a couple mp3s, with a crossfader - and downloads (from echonest) the beat information for the song (position of each and every beat .. booyah!), then beat matches (using granular resynthesis to timestretch .. no pitch shifting).\
The best explanation and demo a youtube video I put together is here:\
A quick list of the libraries used in this project:\
Echonest \'96 to retrieve beat information\
jsonCpp \'96 for reading Json data from echonest\
SoundTouch \'96 for time stretching the audio\
mpg123 - for decoding mp3s\
Juce \'96 everything else - duh!\
* all libraries are GPL or Apache license, all are fully included except juce\
* all libraries have the implementation included and can be run without compilation except mpg123\
git source is here:\
You will need to recompile the mpg123 format to use this project.\
To do so run the makeFile at:\
/beat matching crossfade/Source/mpg123/mpg123_format_src/format\
Or compile the xcode project at the same location.}