This repository contains the official implementation of LAVE, a new metric for automatic VQA evaluation using LLMs, as described in the paper:
Improving Automatic VQA Evaluation Using Large Language Models. Oscar Mañas, Benno Krojer, Aishwarya Agrawal. Accepted at AAAI 2024
from lave_ft5 import LaveFT5
metric = LaveFT5()
lave_score = metric.compute(
prediction="white and red",
references=["red white blue", "white, red, blue", "white, red, and blue", "white red blue black"],
question="What color is the plane?"
If you find our project useful in your research, please cite the following paper:
title={Improving automatic vqa evaluation using large language models},
author={Ma{\~n}as, Oscar and Krojer, Benno and Agrawal, Aishwarya},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.02567},