After the popularity of the breakout sessions at Edgeconf you can now take part in the following events at the Mozilla London offices to carry on the conversation.
Scheduled dates are:
- Weds Sept 30th
- Tues Oct 27th
- Weds Nov 25th
Sign up to the September event
Sessions consist of an hour long group discussion amongst attendees centring around an area of web development. A facilitator will introduce the topic and gather the agenda at the start of the session.
Attendees are encouraged to submit agenda points, to give structure to the conversation, prior to the event to reduce the time spent in the session setting the agenda.
You can submit suggestions for discussions topics and agenda points in the Github issues
Attendees are also encouraged to work towards a resolution or consider how the discussion could inform future action. This could take the form of a blog article, a request for new standards or further discussion.
The discussion topic for September is still to be decided. You can state your preferred topics in the Github issues. We can stick with the previous topics or select another. The previous topics were as follows:
- Security
- Using serviceworker
- Network ops
- Accessibility of web components
- Front end data
- ES6 patterns
- Polyfills
- Progressive enhancement
- Installing web apps
- Components
- Sass and CSS patterns
- Data driven performance
- Interoperability